TRENDING Published May7, 2015 By Pinky Tuason

'Fallout 4' Release Date And Characters' Return Hinted By Voice Actor; 'Elder Scrolls 6' Could Get Earlier Release?

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Fallout 4 release date
(Photo : Fallout official site |

According to latest reports, a new evidence proving "Fallout 4's" release has surfaced on the internet.

A voice actor from "Fallout 3" subtly hinted on the 4th installment in a Youtube podcast.  Paul Eiding did not confirm anything, but his interview dropped a few vital details including the return of some characters from "Fallout 3."

"Redditor weeurey posted on Reddit that Paul Eiding, a voice actor who had worked with Bethesda a couple of times mentioned in a video that he is voicing three different characters in the new game and since he also voice some characters in Fallout 3, some are saying that we might see a few old characters making its way back to Fallout 4," Autoomobile reported.

"Although he did not specifically said that it was Fallout 4, he drop a few hints here and there saying that he is working on 4 games and that some of it are games from franchises."

It has been previously reported that Bethesda will make a big announcement at the E3 2015 event.  While no one knows for sure what that move will entail, many are speculating that it has something to do with two of Bethesda's highly anticipated releases- "Fallout 4" and "Elder Scrolls 6."

New reports are now saying that "Elder Scrolls 6" release date will be happening way ahead of "Fallout 4."  As Venture Capital Post said:

"According to recent reports, Elder Scrolls 6 release date for Xbox One and PS4 versions will be happening this Christmas or January next year. However, such rumors and speculations have to be taken with a grain of salt pending future announcement from Bethesda that will likely occur during E3 2015 this year."

New reports are also claiming that Bethesda might be taking their time before finally announcing "Elder Scrolls 6" release date and "Fallout 4" release date after "The Elder Scrolls Online" has been proven to be a huge disappointment for some.

Stay tuned for more "Elder Scrolls 6" and "Fallout 4" release date updates here!

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