TRENDING Published September19, 2015 By Zuellen Reynoso

Johnny Depp Cast To Lead ‘The Godfather’ Remake A HOAX; Unconfirmed Coppola Quotes Revealed

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‘The Godfather’, remake
(Photo : Jason Merritt | Getty Images Entertainment)

It is indeed an age of remakes, and while "The Godfather" remake has resurfaced, it has been confirmed that the reports are false, including the news about Johnny Depp being casted as Vito Corleone.

Latest news about the alleged remake surfaced recently, announcing that "Black Mass" star Johnny Depp has signed on into the project. According to numerous reports, the star has been officially named the next Vito Corleone in the upcoming 2016 "The Godfather" remake and will also welcome the return of legendary director Francis Ford Coppola.

These numerous reports have cited The Portly News Gazelle as the source for the alleged confirmation, which incidentally is a satire news source. According to the report, "The Godfather" remake is on full throttle, with director Coppola even revealing a few details to fans who are confused at the announcement.

"You know when you got a film as successful and as influential as 'The Godfather', there's this unspoken rule in Hollywood that you've got to make a remake and relaunch the story for a new generation," Coppola allegedly revealed.

"I am not ashamed of this, it's what we do in Hollywood and it's a great opportunity to create a new exciting version. This project has been on the drawing board for almost 15 years and I was just about to give up on it until 2010 when I saw The Tourist in the cinemas and saw Depp's energy and fire, I knew I wanted him to be Vito Corleone."

The report also revealed that "The Godfather" remake will also be a trilogy, with the first film to be released next year, and the installments to come every two years, in 2018 and 2020.

All the hoax updates about "The Godfather" remake has been revealed to the public, although some might still get entangled in the web of lies. ThatsFake pointed out that apart from the source being a satire website, "The Godfather" remake rumor has gone around a few years, and has victimized a lot of fans into thinking that a classic such as "The Godfather" will be remade anytime soon.

It's not. "The Godfather" remake film is a hoax, and Johnny Depp has played enough mob/gangster characters in his lifetime, don't you think?

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