DIET&FITNESS Published January3, 2016 By Milafel Hope Dacanay

Online Exercise Almost Stopped Woman’s Flight

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A grueling online exercise regimen caused a young woman to lose massive weight she became unrecognizable in her passport photo.

Kelly Farrar, 25, from Bedford, was about to board a flight to Dubai with her boyfriend when she had trouble with her passport photo in border control. She had already lost huge amounts of weight that she almost became unrecognizable.

The incredible difference in size was also not lost among her friends and family in Facebook either. While she used to sport blonde hair and was a size 18, she's now a proud size 10 with well-toned, trimmed body, which went well with her black hair.

Her secret? An online exercise guide called the LDNM Bikini Guide. In its official website, the company promises a defined body by burning excess fats. The specific program Farrar opted is available in 12 or 20 weeks for a starting price of almost $100. It can be viewed on mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets.

Part of the program is high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which is characterized by short bursts of exercises that dramatically speed up the body's metabolism. It also includes weight training, diet, and one-on-one support. The program is also designed to address needs depending on factors like body type.

Farrar performed the program with a friend, and it was helpful to help her lose at least 14 pounds. Earlier then, she started to control her diet portions and decided to swap her favorite food with healthier choices.

She previously admitted that she used to dine on burgers and Chinese takeaways. She also skipped breakfasts. In her new diet, she begins her day with eggs, pancakes, or porridge, followed by a chicken salad wrap flavored with fat-free Greek yogurt. For dinner, she traded spaghetti Bolognese with garlic bread with some chicken sausage paired with home-made pasta sauce.

She also shared that her weight loss journey inspired her to show others that they could still eat the food they like, as long as it's controlled, and lose weight.

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