NUTRITION&FOOD Published November24, 2014 By Staff Reporter

Gut Bacteria in the Intestines Influence a Person’s Weight, DNA Linked To Being Fat Or Being Skinny

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(Photo : Gut bacteria responsible in determining the weight of a person.

A new study conducted by scientists from the Cornell University's Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics and King's College London has shown the remarkable link between our genes and the presence of gut bacteria in the intestines. They found out that the type of bacteria in the gut is influenced by the genetics of a person. Subsequently, these bacteria are linked to weight prediction.

The scientists studied those genes of microorganisms present in stool samples taken from 416 pairs of twins and 171 pairs of them are identical while 245 pairs are non-identical twins. For accuracy of results, they used two groups and found out that identical twins share 100% of the genes while non-identical ones share 50% of their genetic makeup.

They then took 1,000 fecal matter samples from both groups and discovered that the gut bacteria in identical twins are similar than those who are not identical. The conclusion was drawn based on the prevalence of bacteria in the gut as influenced by the genes. The bacteria Christensenellaceae are highly influenced by genetics and seemingly, they are more abundant in skinny individuals. The researchers applied the study in animal studies.

They administered the gut bacteria in mice and they found out that the mice prevented weight gain. For 12 days, the mouse who has the bacteria was skinnier and leaner than the mice who did not get the bacteria. Now, they have revealed a means to fight obesity in people.

They are recommending the increase of the amount of the said bacteria in the gut through probiotic drinks. Weight problems can be curbed through this innovative study. According to statistics, over 1.4 billion people worldwide are obese and 78.6 million of them are Americans. Weight gain is one predicament that millions of people around the globe are experiencing. The ultimate weight loss regiment is being studied worldwide.

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