TRENDING Published February10, 2016 By Sunia Mukherjee

Adele Upset With Presidential Candidate Donald Trump: Wants Her Songs Out Of His Campaign!

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Donald Trump Attends The 16th Annual Outdoor Sportsman Awards
(Photo : Ethan Miller | Getty Images News)

Donald Trump has done it again. This time, he used Adele's song in his political rallies. Adele and his fans are very upset with this.

Donald Trump Sr. announced his candidacy for the President of the United States in the upcoming 2016 election. He formally launched his presidential campaign on Jun. 16, 2015. 

He represents the Republican Party and has been using the songs of Adele for his presidential campaigns.

Trump's campaign managers have been using Adele's hits ''Rolling in the Deep'' and ''Skyfall'' for the promotional rallies for the upcoming presidential elections. Twitter was full of the news of the fans of Adele talking about Trump using Adele's James Bond theme music in all his political rallies.

"Does Adele know that Donald Trump plays her songs at his rallies? I have a feeling she would not be pleased'' tweeted one fan. 

The guardian reported that Adele was extremely upset with this and does not want Trump to use her music in the political rallies anymore.

"Adele has not given permission for her music to be used for any political campaigning," her spokesman said.

Politico talked about the style of Trump and this is not a surprise. Even after Adele requested Trump's team not to use her music on Feb. 1, two days later at his rally in Little Rock, Arkansas, the supporters who had gathered listened to Adele's "Skyfall" before Trump's helicopter landed.

Adele's fans were angry with this. "Don't suppose he asked for her endorsement. Hopefully, she's objected," tweeted one. As per the latest reports on Independent, Mike Huckabee who is Trump's rival for the Republican nomination also tried to use Adele's popularity to increase his vote bank.

Going by Trump's track record, it is highly likely that he will continue to play Adele's songs in the future rallies too. Neil Young and the Aerosmith singer Steven Tyler in the past had asked Trump's team not to use their music for any political rallies. 

In fact, the attorneys for Tyler finally had to send a cease and desist letter to Trump's campaign committee. The letter stated, ''Trump did not have our client's permission to use 'Dream On or any of Tyler's other songs and that it gives the false impression that he is connected with, or endorses, Mr Trump's presidential bid."

So will Adele too have to file a legal lawsuit now against the presidential candidate?

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