HEADLINES Published February3, 2017 By Staff Reporter

10 Benefits of Eating Guava: Guava contains less sugar than apples and grapes

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10 Benefits of Eating Guava
(Photo : Pixa Bay) 10 Benefits of Eating Guava

The nutrients in Guava improve immunity.

Guava contains some essential nutrients for the body. Each 1 cup contains 21% of the vitamin A daily unit (RDA), 20% of potassium (almost the same as banana) and 20% of folic acid.

Impressive, but vitamin C is an overwhelming number compared to other foods. It is not surprising that Guava is so powerful in combating disease that it is 628% of this bacterial extermination ingredient in 1 cup each. Guava is also recommended even for dengue fever.

This same amount contains 20% of folic acid RDA, which is good for brain health and is essential for maintaining a healthy nervous system in the womb.

These nutritional benefits mean that immune function can be improved to prevent and cure various diseases.

Over the centuries, guava has traditionally relieved the pain of toothache and stomatitis and applied juice to the locality to help with wound healing. Guava is known to treat epilepsy and cramps.

Guava helps with skin improvement, coughing and combating colds

Especially the unripe guava astringent can cure acne and smooth skin texture. This effect can be obtained by eating or rinsing the skin with an emulsion of pulp, juice, or leaves, which will tighten the texture and detoxify.

In fact, studies have shown that guava works better than herbal lotion, cream and potion. Guava also prevents wrinkles, delays other signs of aging, removes dead skin cells and brightens complexion.

Because all of the above effects have antioxidant properties, it is vitamins A, B, and C that together deliver potassium along with this effect. Vitamin C combines with biotin to help treat hair loss.

Vitamin C has been used as a traditional remedy for cough and cold in Mexico, South America and India and has relied heavily on guava to get it.

However, ripe fruit is known to aggravate the respiratory system and colds, so you need to know that raw guava juice works.

Unripe guava reduces respiratory organ mucus, alleviates symptoms such as sore throat, and also inhibits microbial activity to prevent spread of bacteria.

Fiber: One of the most important guava ingredients

In the Nutrition Data, guava contains 36% of the RDA fiber, which means that it is better to send debris into the colon than any other food. This action is important to avoid constipation and even intestinal problems such as colon cancer.

Guava has been a useful medicinal medicine for treating diarrhea and dysentery. The unripe guava and the gums in the leaves that are contained in the leaves are "firm" and refreshing. It has the same effect on bowel because of its alkaline content with bactericidal and toxic.

Dissipation associated with microbial growth is suppressed and excess mucus is eradicated from the intestines. Potassium and carotenoids, as well as vitamin C in guava, can help support the digestive system and improve the symptoms of hemorrhoids and gastroenteritis.

At the same time, when chewing guava or eating it all, you may be less worried about constipation because of the laxative of the seed.

This seed is part of the best health benefits. Both seed and skin contain carotenoids, glycosides and other phenols and flavonoids.

You may have heard that "death begins in the colon." Because constipation is linked to more than 70 different diseases, it is important to remove the debris quickly. Fiber also helps maintain moisture in the body and improves bowel movements by helping to keep everything down.

Guava also has a positive effect on the body by regulating metabolism and helping to absorb all minerals and vitamins.

Guava's fiber affects blood pressure and heart health

Taking guava can help prevent blood from getting too thick to lower your blood pressure. Foods with little or no fiber, such as refined flour, can turn into sugar, which can make hypertension (or hypertension) worse.

A study in India involving 120 hypertensive patients provided subjects with guava for 12 weeks before meals. Subsequently, the blood pressure level of the subjects decreased overall. "Total fiber and water soluble fiber and vitamins and minerals intake were significantly higher."

Heart health is another benefit of eating these tropical fruits. Antioxidants play an important role in the absorption of active oxygen, which can cause oxidative stress and damage.

One study found that guava leaves inhibited hydrogen peroxide-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, lipid peroxidation and cell death.

Potassium and fiber content not only have a positive effect on the heart, but it also helps to reduce blood pressure as well as strokes that are closely related to the heart.

Guava Fiber: Linked to Blood Glucose Reduction

The fiber also balances the body's absorbed sugar, reducing the risk of soaring or falling glucose and insulin levels. Clinical studies have shown that the blood sugar levels of 19 people who drank Guava leaf tea were lowered and lasted for 2 hours.

In a further experiment with 20 participants with type 2 diabetes in Japan, participants showed that their blood sugar levels dropped by more than 10% after drinking Guava leaf tea after meals.

In several animal studies and in vitro studies, guava extracts have been shown to lower blood glucose levels, improve long-term control, and reduce insulin resistance. In one study, the following observations were made.

"Although PG [Psidium guajava leaves] is known to play a beneficial role in diabetes mellitus, we first report the potential of Guava for managing lifelong diseases caused by ingesting fructose at the time of development."

Guava ingestion and cancer prevention

If there is anything that can be proven as a dramatic change in vegetable food, it can be said to have an effect on cancer. Not disappointingly, Guava has shown dramatic positive results in cancer research, especially by inhibiting the growth and metastasis of cancer cells.

Lycopene works with flavonoids, lutein, quercetin and cryptosanthin to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. According to Organic Facts,

"In recent years there has been much research into the effects of guava on prostate cancer, breast cancer and oral cancer. Guava leaf oil is highly effective as an antiproliferative substance and has proven to be more effective than modern medicines to actually reduce cancer growth.

Guava is also rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that has been a great success in reducing the risk of prostate cancer. Additional human studies are needed, but the same antioxidants have been shown to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells. "

The Health Site describes "strong evidence" that guava can prevent skin cancer, colon cancer and lung cancer when it is eaten. Science Direct also mentions cell death in gastric cancer cell proliferation.

Other health problems that Guava can improve

The other nutrients of this exotic fruit are definitely not wasted. Our bodies use these nutrients to defeat diseases and help us in many ways.

Thyroid-copper, another mineral rich in guava, regulates thyroid metabolism in two ways: production and absorption. Copper regulates whole body hormones and optimizes the function of all the remaining organs.
Vision - Vitamin A or retinol, one of the most important nutrients in guava, is known to improve vision in a number of different ways.

Cataracts, macular degeneration and other diseases that affect our vision are likely to improve, and surprisingly, these nutrients may even reverse the already ongoing damage.
Scurvy - This disease, also known as the "crew disaster", has been largely eradicated, but it has revived in recent years. Vitamin C is the only treatment. Fortunately, guava contains more vitamin C than most citrus fruits.

Guava contains about 125 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C, 51 mg of orange, 38 mg of grapefruit, and 31 mg of lemon.

Brain Health - Vitamin B3 (also known as niacin) and vitamin B6 (aka pyridoxine) help improve brain function in the brain and can also stimulate blood flow and stimulate cognitive function.

Weight loss - Fiber fluoride explains why guava is good for everyone who wants to be slim. Guava is also very well-fed, less eaten, and contains less sugar than fruits such as apples and grapes.

Guava can relieve painful menstrual cramps.

Dysmenorrhea affects many things in medical terms for painful menstrual pain that women can experience during menstruation. However, research has shown that eating Guava can relieve this pain.

In one study, 197 women with menstrual cramps were given 6 mg guava leaf extract daily, which resulted in more pain relief than traditional treatments.

The researchers determined that the pain relieved the "natural" or spasmodic effect that the extract had on the uterus.

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