TEEN HEALTH Published October22, 2019 By Ernest Hamilton

How to Spot an Alcoholic: The Telltale Signs

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How to Spot an Alcoholic: The Telltale Signs
(Photo : How to Spot an Alcoholic: The Telltale Signs)

Are you wondering whether a loved one is drinking too much? Wonder no more. Here's a complete guide on how to spot an alcoholic.

You think someone you love might be an alcoholic but this is a sensitive subject. You don't want to accuse someone of being an alcoholic if they aren't. 

You've got to learn how to spot an alcoholic. If you aren't sure of what the signs of an alcoholic are, we can help you. Continue reading this article to learn the signs of alcohol abuse.

Notice Alcohol Consumption

When you're looking at an addiction like alcoholism, there might not be any blaring alarms at the beginning. One of the things you can look out for in your friend or family member is their consumption.

Did they say they were going to have one drink but you notice they are having two, three, four or more? Maybe you've heard them say they are going to cut back but you continue to see them drinking socially and believe they may be drinking at home as well.

If you notice your loved one spends a great deal of their time drinking, sick or hungover -- this is a sign of alcoholism.

How Do They Feel?

When you talk to your loved one, are they drinking because they want to have fun? Or are they drinking because they need to get a specific feeling?

Maybe you notice they are not themselves if they don't have a drink. They are irritable and frustrated without a drink in their hand. Maybe you notice they are turning down invitations to go to events where there won't be alcohol and seem depressed at the thought of not being able to have a drink.

Neglecting Responsibilities

If your friend or family member is neglecting their responsibilities, this could be a sign of alcoholism. If they used to be on time and helpful and they are now always late and rarely volunteer -- this is a major difference and a possible sign of alcoholism.

Before assuming they are an alcoholic, reach out to them and see how they are doing. Let them talk to you and tell you what is going on in their life. They may have taken on more at work or there might be something else going on.

If you notice they are having problems at work and other friends are complaining about their behavior, this could be something to worry about.

Legal Problems

Is your friend or family member having legal problems like DWI or DUI? If they have gotten more than one of these, you should have a talk with them and see if they can see the error of their ways. If they don't -- they may need professional help.

How to Spot an Alcoholic - Now You Know

Now that you learned how to spot an alcoholic, why not learn other important things that can help you in life? We have many other articles that you're likely to find interesting. Look through the pages of our site, find a section that will help you in the future, bookmark it and come back soon to read more.

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