TRENDING Published June1, 2020 By Ernest Hamilton

Get Instant Relief from Anxiety by Using CBD Oil

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Get Instant Relief from Anxiety by Using CBD Oil
(Photo : Get Instant Relief from Anxiety by Using CBD Oil)

CBD is believed to reduce anxiety through its effect on the CB1 brain receptor, although from what we've gathered looking at dozens of studies is that it helps the body by boosting cannabinoid function and this is made possible by the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). Other than this, the medical community is still studying the workings of CBD in the brain and body to find out more about how it treats conditions like anxiety. To get products like top quality CBD oil visit an online retailer that also has related products.

With such huge populations suffering from anxiety, it's no surprise that people are interested in trying something different. Lord knows those antidepressants are only a gateway to more complicated issues. 

Research and evidence 

We don't have space to quote all the studies that show how CBD elevates mood but for the sake of this article we're going to mention important studies published in support of CBD. For starters, the National Institute on Drug Abuse has come out in support of CBD for treatment of stress, however the studies they quote involve animal research. Other studies have looked at how CBD can be used on people with PTSD, insomnia, social anxiety disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. 

A lot of people get CBD confused with other cannabinoids like THC (which makes you high), but they're not the same thing. CBD doesn't produce any of the euphoria that comes with smoking marijuana, and because it contains no THC, drug tests come out negative. This is great because a lot of employers insist on drug tests.

Potential benefits of CBD for anxiety 

Because of its benign nature, CBD has been more widely accepted as treatment for anxiety - far more than any other alternative treatment. You can find high-end CBD products in just a variety of forms, and everyone from athletes to performance artists is using it to calm their nerves. 

Let's take a closer look at some of the ways reduces anxiety:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder

The research around this subject is quite extensive, and practically all results are in favor of using CBD as treatment for anxiety. Any study involving a placebo has shown that participants who take CBD in place of a placebo always have less intense feelings of anxiety and paranoia. 

  • Depression

CBD improves mood through its action on serotonin and anadamide, both are hormones that affect mood and are likely to reduce feelings of sadness especially for people with depression. By improving mood, it makes it less challenging to manage depression - a condition that is difficult to treat under any circumstances. 

  • PTSD

Long-term human studies involving PTSD are still underway, but from what we've learned about the mechanism by which CBD prevents stress and anxiety, it's not far-fetched to conclude that different forms of PTSD can be treated using cannabidiol. CBD works by targeting areas of the brain that affect things like mood, anxiety, and memory. The hippocampus region of the brain is improved through neurogenesis, and the release of serotonin and other 'positive' hormones also reduces the severity of PTSD for some people.  

  • Bipolar disorder 

This and other depressive conditions are treated by targeting brain chemistry and changing circuitry to allow new brain connections that foster new behaviors. Sadly, there isn't enough research around bipolar disorder to see how long term use affects people with the condition. What we do know is that mood plays a big role here, and the creation of new brain cells in the hippocampus makes it possible for people to rewire their brains in a way that encourages psychological change.  

Does it work immediately?

This article from Business Insider delves into how a person with anxiety experienced relief from using CBD. What's common for most people is that relief doesn't happen instantly -at least in the sense that you won't totally eliminate anxiety jut from using CBD once. It takes a while for a person to notice significant change, but when treating things like panic attacks, it can have an instant effect. Another way it might help you reduce anxiety is by increasing sleep quality.

Sleep doesn't always come easy for people dealing with stress, and this can make it more difficult to break out of the anxiety. What's great about CBD is that it provides holistic healing by targeting complex systems in the body, such as the sleep/wake cycle in a way that encourages healthy sleep. This in turn leaves you more relaxed, and more capable of handling the daily workload that stresses you out.

Experiment with different forms of hemp oil

You'll come across different CBD products so it's okay to try different ones to find one that works for you. If you've been a smoker, then a vaping device might sound appealing (plus it's a quick way to get the compound into your system), but there are many more options available to you.  CBD gummies are also a neat way to get your anxiety in check, but if it doesn't work for you, then the oil form is probably what's needed. can help you learn more about CBD so you can find ways to use it to boost mental health. 

Still can't let go of that daily stress? Start with a healthy supplement like CBD oil in the morning, or whenever you feel overwhelmed during the day. You can look for a CBD tincture for sale that you can easily add to your regular smoothie or other healthy drink. Work on learning how to cope with stress a little more effectively, such as counting down from 100 before allowing the uneasiness to take hold of you or training yourself to pick up on the triggers that compound your stress so you can deal with them immediately. Be kind to yourself and allow time to unwind every day to stay relaxed and keep the pressure at bay.

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