BEAUTY&STYLE Published February10, 2020 By Staff Reporter

Hormonal Acne: How to Know If Your Acne is Hormonal

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Hormonal Acne: How to Know If Your Acne is Hormonal
(Photo : Hormonal Acne: How to Know If Your Acne is Hormonal)

Hormonal acne is just what it sounds like. It is acne that occurs as a result of fluctuations in your hormone levels. Even though it is usually linked with changes of hormones during the teenage years, hormonal acne may affect adults regardless of age. It is very common and particularly in women. Several factors might contribute towards it, such as menstruation and menopause.


During the teenage years, this acne usually comes out in the T-zone, your forehead, nose, and the chin. In adults, the acne appears typically at the lower region of the face, which includes the underside of the cheeks and around the jawline. The acne might come out as comedones that are of two types, the whiteheads, and the blackheads. Blackheads are open at the skin surface, and they look black as a result of the effect that oxygen causes on them. Whiteheads are closed underneath the surface of the skin. This acne might as well appear as:

Papules: tiny but raised reddish bumps that crop up as a result of hair follicles infection or inflammation. 

Pustules: tiny and red pimples filled with pus.

Cysts: big lumps that are present underneath the skin. They have pus and might be very painful and also tender to the touch. 


It is typically associated with a menstrual cycle in a woman, as well as the fluctuations of progesterone and estrogen, which usually come together with it. Hormonal changes usually cause an increase in oil production in the pores that might lead to breakouts. In addition, the progesterone to estrogen ratio might too react to the testosterone levels in a woman, which may contribute to getting acne.

Hormonal acne comes about and worsens in recurring flares together with monthly menstrual cycles. It is typically most terrible in the week just before the menstrual period begins when progesterone hormone is at its highest point. Other conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome and increased levels of androgens usually affect hormone levels and can cause this type of acne

How can you know it is hormonal acne?

If you are trying to comprehend whether you are having this kind of acne, there are some signs to watch out for. These signs include the recurring flares every month; your pimples usually crop up on the lower face, the jawline or around your mouth, and yet you are no longer in your adolescent years. The pimples are deeper and painful contrary to blocked pores, whiteheads, and blackheads 

Hormonal acne has a tendency to occur in a similar spot as a result of the oil production pattern. Therefore, if you are seeing a blemish that keeps appearing again and again on your jaw month after the other, there is a possibility that it has something to do with the hormones. Hormonal breakouts are likely to crop up around the jawline and the chin since the sebum levels are usually higher in the jawline and the chin than the other parts of your face. When the hormones fluctuate, they make your body to arouse the oil glands, and a significant number of them are situated in that area.

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