LIVING HEALTHY Published May23, 2022 By Digital Nod

Well, Well, Wellbeing: How can Employers Help to Prevent Illnesses in Their Workers

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Photo by fauxels
(Photo : fauxels from Pexels)

A healthy workforce is key to a successful business. Healthy employees can make a big difference in how productive a business is. Workers can be affected by both physical and mental health issues, and therefore it is vital that businesses take measures to help protect their workers and prevent any illnesses that may arise. Though illness can strike anytime and sometimes be impossible to avoid, there are steps that employers can take to mitigate the risks of illness in their workers.

Encourage a healthy lifestyle

Thanks in part to the COVID-19 pandemic, more businesses are taking serious steps to help their employees' health and wellbeing. One such way is via a health and wellbeing programme, which gives employees advice and assistance with every facet of their health- be it physical or mental. This can include offering access to gyms and other facilities, counselling, and encouraging healthier diet options by replacing snacks and vending machines with water coolers and fruit bowls.

Offer rewards and recognition

Recognising your employees' good work and regularly offering rewards can vastly improve workers' mental health. Studies show that recognising and rewarding employees can have a big impact on their levels of engagement. Using a rewards programme, you can offer rewards that will also help your employees' health and wellbeing, such as time off, vouchers for gyms or healthy food and drink.

Income protection

If an employee is off work sick, one of the main worries is how they can keep the finances healthy if they're not getting a paycheck. One option you can investigate is group income protection. If an employee is off work for a long enough time (usually more than 6 months), an income protection policy will pay a proportion of their salary so they're not missing out on any money while unable to work. Using Group Income Protection, you can ensure that all your employees have this protection, giving them peace of mind should illness occur. What's more, many companies that have an income protection policy can also provide you and your employees support in getting them back to work as soon as possible.


One of the best ways in preventing illness in your employees is to constantly communicate with them. By building a positive workplace culture and keeping in touch with your employees, you can ensure that any problem that may eventually result in injury or illness is unearthed and addressed as quickly as possible. Keep them up to date with any organisational changes, as the uncertainty surrounding them can often be a key factor in increased stress.

Ensure your workplace is safe and accommodating

Finally, make sure your workplace is easily accessible to all your employees. If an employee has a condition that could cause them injury or illness, make sure they can still work without risk of exacerbating their condition. A large space with access to natural light can also benefit your workers' physical and mental health.

Methods of preventing illnesses can vary depending on the nature of your workplace, but the above guidelines are a good way to ensure that your company can take care of your employees' health. 

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