NUTRITION&FOOD Published October18, 2014 By Angela Betsaida Laguipo

Potassium Has Many Health Benefits, Studies Say

(Photo : Bananas are rich in potassium.

According to many evidences, potassium is a very important mineral that entails a lot of health benefits. Many of the systems of the body rely on potassium for optimal health and purpose. It helps the nervous system by controlling tissues needed for sending nerve impulses, contraction of muscles, excretes energy during the process of metabolism, aids in waste removal in the body, promotes muscle control and enhances efficient cognitive performance.

Potassium is a mineral found mainly in foods that people consume. Actually, the daily recommended consumption of potassium for an adult is 4,700. It is a mineral needed by the muscles of the body specifically the heart. Aside from that, it is an electrolyte that helps in maintaining the body's fluid and electrolyte balance. Electrolytes are components that help in the conduction of electricity in the human body and potassium is one of the most important.

For metabolic processes, potassium plays a significant role in the formation and synthesis of protein to form amino acids that are absorbed by the cells of the body. It also is important in the breakdown of carbohydrates into glycogen for glucose metabolism.

Aside from helping the body's metabolic processes, it is an important electrolyte to maintain the health of bones and muscles. It is alkaline in nature that can help maintain the blood pH. Bones provide the only substantial extra reservoir available to titrate excess metabolic acids from body processes. When all alkaline reserves are already used, draining of alkalinizing compounds happen around the bone leading to enhanced bone breakdown along with its minerals. Potassium acts like a neutralizer that can help in maintaining the bone's strength.

Potassium can counter the negative effects of high amounts of sodium in the body. The equilibrium of the different electrolytes in the kidneys provides better health to the person. It is indeed a wonder worker in keeping the body healthy.

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