NUTRITION&FOOD Published October21, 2014 By Angela Betsaida Laguipo

Chemical Composition Of Garlic Makes It Potent For Treating Illnesses

(Photo : Garlic contains many chemical constituents that make it potent as a herbal remedy

Garlic has many uses especially in medicine. It has many uses may it be in culinary cooking to treating numerous illnesses. Garlic has numerous chemical constituents that go hand in hand to reach the strength of garlic in curing many diseases.

Allicin is the most potent ingredient of garlic. This is one of the most biologically active ingredients in garlic and will only be formed when the garlic is crushed. This is because injury to the clove will cause stimulation of the enzyme allinase where allicin and alliin came from. Italian Chemist C.J. Cavallito revealed its homoeopathic properties based from his readings and researches. Numerous studies demonstrate the health benefits of allicin in garlic which incorporate prevention of heart problems, it boosts antibody responses, has antimicrobial properties, deterrence of cancer and treatment of common colds. Allicin has the ability to revent atherosclerosis formation. It is a compound that can boost the immune system due to its ability to increase the production of white blood cells.

Phytoncides are antimicrobial allelochemic unstable organic compounds which prevent plants from rotting. It has the ability to inhibit attacking microorganisms that pertains to its antimicrobial properties.

Furthermore, Ajoene is an antithrombotic compound in garlic. It has many health benefits because it is a sulfur-containing compound derived from allicin.  Ajoene has other properties like antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiviral.

Diallyl polysulfide is an organosulfur compound derived from garlic. It is claimed to have health benefits such as anticolon cancer, antimicrobial and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. It can also help in reducing peptic and gastric ulcer because of its action on H. pylori.  Meanwhile, S-allylcysteine is an organosulfur found in plants and has many health benefits due to its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. It can lower blood glucose and has antioxidant properties. It contains flavonoids which fight free radicals.

Lastly, it has many vitamins that help nourish the body.


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