NUTRITION&FOOD Published October22, 2014 By Staff Reporter

A Healthy Lifestyle Linked to a Successful Business

(Photo : Pixabay)

Entrepreneurs and individuals running a business are constantly on their feet-organizing, negotiating, planning, and simply making things work. On top of all the tasks that need to be accomplished, staying healthy should still be a big priority among entrepreneurs or any career man or woman out there.

Handling a business venture requires a lot of both physical and cognitive energy. Staying healthy is tantamount to staying alert and at the top of your game in handling your business. Sufficient rest and sleep, good nutrition, and regular exercise are the key players of a healthy lifestyle, not just for entrepreneurs but for everyone in general.

No matter how busy you are in your business, it is important to incorporate physical activity in your daily routine. Exercise has been linked to better cognitive ability, as confirmed by a group of researchers from the University of Texas at Dallas. The study found that regular cardiovascular exercise can improve memory and cognition.

Meanwhile, a study from Stanford University has shed light on the mood-boosting and cognitive benefits of moderate exercise in adults of different ages. Exercise has also been found to trigger reactions and hormones in the brain that help in the development of new neurons, all the while improving cognition and mood.

Good nutrition also plays a key role in daily performance and efficiency. The United Nations' International Labour Office notes that insufficient nutrition significantly affects work productivity. This extends to a larger scale- the UN concludes that lack of proper nutrients affects national productivity and overall economic growth. Low-quality nutrition has been linked to increased absenteeism and illness, increased accidents, and low morale. The International Labour Office also discovered that obese employees are twice as likely to miss a day's work, compared with individuals who had a normal weight.

Lastly, the right amount of rest and sleep is critical to mental and physical health, as it is crucial in mind activities such as focus, learning, memory, problem solving, and attention, and reduces the risk of chronic disease and inflammation, says experts.

Business owners and entrepreneurs need to stay healthy to allow their ventures to continue to flourish and succeed.

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