TRENDING Published May8, 2015 By Marijim Dy

‘Just Cause 3’ Trailer Revealed Gameplay And Extreme Aerial Stunts; Avalanche Studios’ Game Encourages Players To Become Anarchists?

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A "Just Cause 3" trailer has been unveiled by Square Enix and it promises an extreme gameplay experience for fans.

The first gameplay "Just Cause 3" trailer revealed insane aerials stunts such as plane-jacking, skydiving and wingsuit flying. This gives fans a proper look at what to expect in Avalanche Studios' action-adventure video game.

The video is definitely made to tease fans, from its postcards to "James Bond" intros. It also shows similarities with the recent gameplay trailer for "Mad Max," another one of Avalanche Studios' open-world game. While both games focus heavily on vehicular combat, "Just Cause 3" is more vivid and colorful which helps it stand out from other blockbuster video games.

In the "Just Cause 3" trailer, protagonist Rico Rodriguez is seen zipping through verdant fields, flying above mean dictators and virtually blowing up everything. Vehicular combat is one dominant staple in the game. Cars, trucks, helicopters, planes and motorcycles are constantly being blasted in Avalanche Studios' action-adventure game.

"[We're] designing a game that constantly encourages exploration and challenges players not to break the game, but explore the game," Christofer Sundberg, Avalanche Studios' founder and creative director, said during this year's Game Developers Conference.

"I like to see our players as anarchists. You can't really tell them what to do. If you tell them to go right, they will absolutely go left. Or up and down, in this case. So, design a game that really encourages experimenting and exploring and not trying to set up rules for the player."

Sundberg explained that a lot of games try to limit players. He also revealed that they have this motto: "If you can see it, you can go there. And if you poke it, it reacts." He said that they want to develop a game which does not give any boundaries for the player and just let them do whatever they want.

"Just Cause 3" is slated for a Q4 2015 release for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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