TRENDING Published May30, 2015 By Pinky Tuason

'Thor 3: Ragnarok:' With Thor Dead, Jane Foster Steps-Up To Become Female Thor; Natalie Portman Ready For Her New MCU Phase 3 Role?

(Photo : Astrid Stawiarz | Getty Images Entertainment) A wax figure of Thor, as portrayed by actor Chris Hemsworth, appears at the Madame Tussauds New York's Interactive Marvel Super Hero Experience

"Thor 3: Ragnarok" has been widely talked about online, and as reports claimed, the highly anticipated third installment will play a crucial role in the MCU phase 3.

Because of the Ragnarok or "twilight of the gods," the 3rd installment will deal with very catastrophic events in Asgard. Rumors have already speculated the death of major characters involving Thor himself. 

A new report suggested that if Thor should die in the next flick, it could open the opportunity to introduce female Thor who was recently revealed as Jane Foster in the comics.  Could Natalie Portman lift the hammer in the ucpoming movie?

"According to Venture Capital Post, there is a possibility that Thor (Chris Hemsworth) could die in the movie. If this is a little bit too harsh, Thor may also choose to give up his powers and hand it over to Jane," Yibada reported.

"When Jane finally accepts Thor's powers, she will automatically become the new Thor. However, she will find it extremely difficult to hide her real identity as a woman. This being said, Jane's character is crucial in the upcoming 'Thor 3' and the role cannot just be given to any other actress. Portman could easily live up to the hype and requirements of Jane's character as she is well-versed in various movie genres."

Meanwhile, apart from the total ruin of Asgard teased by several "Thor 3: Ragnarok" spoilers, fans have a lot to look forward to in the next God of Thunder flick. It looks like the Ragnarok is just the tip of the iceberg.

According to a new report, the next "Thor" flick will be crucial in MCU's phase 3.  If the report is accurate, there will be more about Thanos, the reportedly TWO infinity gloves, and the gems in the upcoming movie.

"'Thor: Ragnarok' is still looking like it will be the most important Phase 3 movie concerning the Infinity Stones and the next step in Thanos' plan. Though the wildcard of 'Guardians of the Galaxy 2' could definitely make some forward movement to this storyline as well," Movie Pilot revealed.

"The good money is on the last two gems, the Time Stone and Soul Stone, being revealed in 'Guardians of the Galaxy 2' and 'Doctor Strange,' if not 'Thor 3,'" the article added.

"Thor 3: Ragnarok" is slated for a Nov. 3 2017 release.

Stay tuned for more "Thor 3: Ragnarok" spoilers and updates here!

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