NUTRITION&FOOD Published June16, 2015 By Angela Betsaida Laguipo

Here's The Bad Effects Of Frappuccinos, Experts Warn

(Photo : Donald Bowers / Getty Images News)

The most popular coffee craze that hit not only the United States is being questioned by health experts. Is Frappuccino a health risk? In San Francisco, health officials have released warning labels on billboards that advertise against sodas and now, Frappuccinos.

The Board of Directors in San Francisco approved the warning labels last week. They aim to inform the consumers about the health complications and dangers of sugary drinks. The message imprinted in billboards say, "WARNING: Drinking beverages with added sugar(s) contributes to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay."

The new law target sugary drinks including Starbuck's Frappuccinos. However, the company said that they are reviewing the law to evaluate the impact of the warning against their flagship product.

Subsequently, a standard 12-ounce Frappuccino which is made up of coffee, ice, mik and sugary-flavored syrup, contains more calories than a 140-calorie Coca-cola, Fox News reports.

According to Jeff Cretan, legistlative aide to the measure's sponsor, Supervisor Scott Wiener, even if the law does not include coffee drinks, it does not apply to coffee blended drinks like Frappuccinos.

Meanwhile, Wiener said as reported by Washington Post, "These drinks are making people sick and we need to make that clear to the public."

Healthy Eating said that the standard-sized Frappuccinos contain 95 milligrams of caffeine, 230 calories, 3 grams protein, 2 grams total fat, and 50 grams carbohydrates. Most of these ingredients are added sugar. This is just the ordinary Frappuccinos because for the special ones with whipped cream contain 100 milligrams if caffeine, 400 calories and 65 carbohydrates (63 grams are added sugars).

The average American consumes 355 calories or 22 teaspoons of added sugar per day. Comparatively, the American Heart Association recommends that men and women to limit their intake of added sugars to just 150 calories and 100 calories, respectively.

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