TEEN HEALTH Published June19, 2015 By Milafel Hope Dacanay

Puberty Age Predicts Risks on More than 40 Diseases

(Photo : Agung Parameswara | Getty Images News)

When did you hit puberty? It may explain what types of diseases you will be prone to later.

Researchers from the University of Cambridge have further strengthened the link between the age of puberty and the disorders that may develop when the teens reach adulthood.

Previous studies have already pointed out that women who undergo the process at an earlier age than the others are more likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In the new Cambridge study, the same risks are found on early-puberty males. Moreover, it's not only those men and women who hit puberty early who are prone to something. Late-stage ones may contract asthma. There are almost more than 40 other types of disorders or diseases that can be associated with early puberty.

Women are considered to be hitting puberty early if they have their first period as early as 8 years old and as late as 11. The average age, though, is 11. Late-stage ones may experience menstruation between the ages of 15 and 19 years old.

When it comes to men, the change in voice often signals the beginning of their puberty.

For the study, the researchers looked into the data found in UK Bio Bank. Out of the thousands of subjects, at least 20% of women have early period while less than 17% have late puberty. Most of the men, on the other hand, experience late puberty.

Despite the comprehensive investigation, it still remains unclear how the connection is made. The study also doesn't establish the cause and effect between the two as other external factors may have a greater impact or contribution. Further, the risks remain relatively the same regardless of weight.

The team, nevertheless, are working on getting a deeper understanding about the relationship in the hopes that risks are eliminated or significantly reduced by intervening early in the teen's life. 

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