LIFE Published August20, 2015 By Ji Hyun Joo

High School Student Violates Dress Code By Exposing Collarbone?

Stacie Dunn received a call on her daughter’s first day of high school informing her that she was in violation of the dress code, according to the news outlet

Shockingly enough, Dunn’s daughter, Stephanie, was sent home from school for exposing too much of her collarbone, according to BuzzFeed News.

This is what Stephanie was wearing the day that she was sent home for violating the dress code at Woodford County High School:

Stephanie reportedly attempted to cover up her collarbone with a scarf, but was told she wasn’t tying her scarf the proper way.

“Woodford County High School and the principal have been enforcing a dress code where girls can not show even their collar bones because it may distract their male class mates,” wrote Stacie Dunn on Facebook.

“This is ridiculous! Parents are being called away from their important jobs and students are missing important class time because they are showing their collarbones! Something needs to change!”

The school’s dress code has been a topic of interest for quite some time now, as it’s reportedly been implemented for the past 10 years. A student has even made a documentary regarding the strict dress code.

Since the recent incident involving Stephanie, parents and students have reportedly gone to the school board to ask that the code be changed.

“Our school administration has been very open with students and parents alike, that if they feel like changes need to be made, they are open to suggestions. It just needs to be measurable so that it can be consistently enforced,” superintendent Scott Hawkins explained in a statement to

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