LIFE Published August26, 2015 By Ji Hyun Joo

Dad’s Response To Son Buying Ariel Doll Goes Viral: “I Promise Forever To Love You And Accept You’ [VIDEO]

Mikki Willis’ son, Azai, received two of the same gifts for his birthday, prompting the California dad to take him to the toy store to exchange one of his presents, according to Mashable.

Azai decided to go with an Ariel doll from the Disney movie “The Little Mermaid,” and Willis’ support for his son’s choice of toy is now going as viral as ever.

As seen in the video, which has garnered more than 16 million views on Facebook, Willis makes a promise to his sons, Azai and Zuri, that he will love them unconditionally.

“I promise forever to love you and accept you no matter what life you choose,” Willis says to his little boys.

Willis was inspired to post the video after going out to eat with Azai and his new doll, according to Buzzfeed News. Women in the restaurant reportedly gave Azai a disapproving look when they saw him playing with his Ariel doll.

“You could tell they didn’t approve,” explained Willis.

That didn’t stop Willis from showing even more support for his son.

“It would be a different world if everyone poured love into their children,” stated Willis.

As for Azai’s new Ariel doll, she’ll always have a place among his other toys.

“I imagine she will be on the battlefield with the Transformers any day now,” said Willis.

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