TRENDING Published September2, 2015 By Zuellen Reynoso

‘Prometheus 2’ Plot Brings Shaw To Paradise; Ridley Scott Ready To Begin Production In 2016

(Photo : Screencap, Official Prometheus Page)

Ridley Scott has set "Prometheus 2" in motion, and while the plot remains unclear, Elizabeth Shaw is confirmed to be searching for paradise in the sequel.

Latest news reveals details including hints of the plot of the upcoming Ridley Scott masterpiece, "Prometheus 2." According to Movie Pilot, Noomi Repace has hinted a wee bit of plot for "Prometheus 2" and while everyone is concerned about having the sequel return to Earth, the actress talks about what her character, Elizabeth Shaw, is looking to find.

"I know that Elizabeth Shaw wants to go to paradise," Repace revealed.

"I say that in the first one. I don't wanna go back. She can't go to Earth. There's nothing left for her there really. She wants to go where they come from, those giants, those creatures. In her head that's the dark paradise. What's there? God, maybe? God or [the] Devil. I don't know. I don't know where [Ridley Scott's] gonna take us but I can't wait to go there."

While the totality of "Prometheus 2" plot, of course, will remain a mystery until the actual release date of the sequel, the development of the movie is in full throttle. Recent updates have revealed that director Ridley Scott himself confirmed that his next project will be "Prometheus 2" and this isn't such a surprise. In an interview with Empire Online, Scott shared "I was already on to my next movie! I was starting to look for locations for my next movie, which is 'Prometheus 2'."

Ridley Scott is in search for the perfect "Prometheus 2" location and while fans have absolutely no clue as to where or what that place will be, at least for now updates have revealed that by the end of this year, "Prometheus 2" fans will have an idea how the plot will progress.

According to various reports, "Prometheus 2" will begin filming in 2016, with a release date pegged sometime in 2017.

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