TRENDING Published January5, 2016 By Marijim Dy

George R.R. Martin, 'Winds Of Winter' Release Date: Book 6 'Not Finished,' Says Author

(Photo : Gustavo Caballero | Getty Images Entertainment)

George R.R. Martin's "Winds of Winter" release date will not happen in time for "Game of Thrones" season 6.

The "Song of Ice and Fire" author has announced on his Live Journal that the "Winds of Winter" release date will be delayed. George R.R. Martin broke the news to his followers earlier this week.

"'THE WINDS OF WINTER' is not finished," the author wrote.

"Believe me; it gave me no pleasure to type those words. You're disappointed, and you're not alone. My editors and publishers are disappointed, HBO is disappointed, my agents and foreign publishers and translators are disappointed... but no one could possibly be more disappointed than me."

There have been a lot of speculations on George R.R. Martin's book 6 for his fantasy series, "A Song of Ice and Fire." Rumors were fueled even further with the news of "Game of Thrones" season 6 airing this April.

The author clarified things on his post, saying that he has "wanted nothing so much as to be able to say, 'I have completed and delivered THE WINDS OF WINTER on or before the last day of 2015."

"But the book's not done. Nor is it likely to be finished tomorrow, or next week. Yes, there's a lot written. Hundreds of pages. Dozens of chapters. But there's also a lot still left to write."

George R.R. Martin admitted that he's still "months away" from the "Winds of Winter" release date. He also revealed that if he were to finish book 6 in time for "Game of Thrones" season 6, the manuscript needed to be finished by April.

"Unfortunately, the writing did not go as fast or as well as I would have liked," Martin confessed.

"You can blame my travels or my blog posts or the distractions of other projects and the Cocteau and whatever, but maybe all that had an impact... you can blame my age, and maybe that had an impact too...but if truth be told, sometimes the writing goes well and sometimes it doesn't, and that was true for me even when I was in my 20s."

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