NUTRITION&FOOD Published December1, 2014 By Staff Reporter

Care For Grilled Or Raw Zuccini? Surprising Health Benefits of Zuccini Revealed

(Photo : Zuccini has many health benefits.

Consuming zucchini, raw, grilled or cooked, has many health benefits for the body. This long, cylindrical, sister of summer squash contains a nutritional powerhouse that nourishes the body of the needed vitamins, minerals and nutrients. This vegetable is extremely versatile and there are so many ways to enjoy it. It is low in calories, low in cholesterol, good for the heart, prevents cancer and lowers blood pressure among others.

Zuccini is ultra-low in calories. It makes a perfect dish that has low calories. It only contains about 19 calories that is 40 to 50 percent lower than a serving of a low-cal vegetable like broccoli or Brussels spouts. Aside from that, it is also low in cholesterol. The high amounts of dietary fiber found in Zuccini help lower cholesterol by attaching itself to bile acids that the liver makes from cholesterol. It will hinder its ability to immediately digest fats. Hence, the liver will produce more bile acids that will lower the overall cholesterol levels in the body. Also, it contains high amounts of Vitamin A and Vitamin C that are natural antioxidants. They prevent cell oxidation in the blood vessels reducing the onset of atherosclerosis.

Cancers can be prevented by ingesting Zuccini. Its high fiber content promotes regular bowel movements. Also, it has anti-carcinogenic effects in the colon. As it contains Vitamin C and folate, it prevents cell oxidation by free radicals. Free radicals are the culprits of many cancers. Also, prostate health is promoted by Zuccini. Studies show that the phytonutrients found in Zuccini reduced the risk of benign prostatc hypertrophy.

Zuccini has anti-inflammatory effects since it contains both Vitamin C and A. They are antioxidants and at the same time, potent anti-inflammatory agents. Furthermore, it promotes heart health because it contains high amounts of magnesium. It is proven to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

It lowers the blood pressure because it contains potassium which is important in the regulation of the blood pressure. Plus, it is high in manganese that is an essential nutrient because it helps metabolize protein and carbohydrates. Aside from that, it helps in the production of sex hormones and in the catalyst of fatty acids.

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