TRENDING Published February18, 2016 By Sunia Mukherjee

‘Deadpool 2’ Movie Release Date Rumored To Be In 2017? To Go R-13 To Accomodate Younger Audience?

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''Deadpool'' opened in cinemas on Feb. 12 and already the film critics are talking about the movie. It is expected to be a commercially successful movie. There are rumors that ''Deadpool 2'' might be released sometime in 2017.

As per the latest report on Inquisitr and Christianpost, based on the success of the first movie, the sequel might come up. They talked about the age-old strategy of Fox franchise and think that ''Deadpool's'' sequel might come up.

"[At] the end of that list was Negasonic, which I just thought was a freaky, funny name. And I sent this list over to the writers, Rhett (Reese) and Paul (Wernick), and they were like, 'Oh my f***ing god, we have to use her!'' said Tim Miller the director of ''Deadpool.'' 

''So that's how she ended up in the movie. Her name was cool, and we kind of wanted a straight man to play against Colossus. We thought about Cannonball, but he would've been a stupid hick character, whereas the guys wrote Negasonic as this deadpan goth teen, which was a great angle. She turned out really well. There aren't really many definitive Deadpool villains, apart from Cable. If we don't put Cable in Deadpool 2 I think we'll be run out of town on a rail."

Collider talked about the wishes of fans and the five things masses want to see in the sequel. They do not want the makers to play it safe and even though the PG-13 rating increases a percentage of movie goers, ''Deadpool'' does not come in that genre of movies.

Also, the fans want to see bigger and better visuals. On another report by Collider, ''Deadpool'' has broken the box-office records and till now has collected $132.7 million. So there are chances of the sequel being made quite soon. Also, Ryan Reynolds' spell of flop movies seems to be over.

So will Ryan Reynolds reprise his role in the sequel too? After the great red carpet event with his wife Blake Lively, he is basking in the glory of success. Watch this space for more updates.

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