DIET&FITNESS Published March8, 2016 By Beatrice Asuncion

How to Get Your Pre-Baby Weight Back

(Photo : ChinaFotoPress|Getty Images News)

It is no secret how pregnant women are urged to do light exercises so that the delivery of the baby wouldn't take that long. Moreover, women who just gave birth are also required to do some exercises for them to relieve the stress that their body went through during pregnancy but with a new and tedious bundle of joy, a gym membership is no longer ideal for mothers.

A group of experts was asked how mothers who just gave birth get on track and regain their post pregnancy figures. Almost all experts agreed that one of the fastest and safest exercise that they could get in to is walking.

Dr. Jacinda Nicklas, an assistant professor of internal medicine at the University Of Colorado School Of Medicine, suggested that women who just gave birth can immediately go back on doing light exercises but even though they are no longer carrying a baby, they should still avoid exercise which has the risk of them falling.

"Although women can usually start walking for exercise fairly soon after giving birth (whether they give birth vaginally or have C-section), they should check with their obstetrician before starting more vigorous activity or lifting weights"

Cheryl Lovelady, a professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro differentiated the structure of a woman's body before and after giving birth. She explained that during pregnancy, a woman's body produces hormones that enable the tendons and ligaments to loosen in order to make childbirth easier. These hormones cease to be produced upon birth however the tendons and ligaments still remain lose so sprains could happen easily

Paige van der Pligt, a researcher at the Center for Physical Activity and Nutrition Research at Deakin University in Australia further explains her support for walking as an after pregnancy exercise claiming that it is easy to incorporate in a woman's day ad it is relatively safe as opposed to a gym membership.  

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