LIFE Published December5, 2014 By Staff Reporter

Technoference Can Lead to Unhappy Relationships

(Photo : andrekheren-pixabay)

Attention, couples: never underestimate the power of technology. According to different researches, it can move you closer-or drive you apart.

Indeed, many studies are already coming out showing how present-day technologies can be a double-edged sword regardless whether you're married or cohabiting.

One of these studies was conducted by Brigham Young University. In her research, Sarah Coyne tapped around 140 couples with women answering a series of questions about the impact of technology into their relationships, and more than 65% claimed that technology is interfering between couples, a phenomenon called technoference. She therefore concluded that the more interference technology does into the relationship, the more frequent conflicts happen, and these create unhappy couples and relationships.

This doesn't mean, however, that technology is all that bad. As mentioned, it can be good or bad, depending on how often or the manner in which it's being used. On the other side of the spectrum, couples can use this technology to drive them closer. In the same study, televisions are bringing them together, perhaps as they watch their favourite TV show or movie.

A mobile phone, on the other hand, is used to keep tabs on each other. Simple texts like "How are you?" can already do wonders in improving the condition of the relationship. Laptops, meanwhile, can bring couples apart more quickly than mobile phones. It could be because these devices isolate couples from each other.   

Coyne recommends couples to practice moderation and to give more importance to quality time. In other words, unless the text or call is incredibly important, it's best to ignore them for a while when you're with your partner. Or you can get back to them at a much different time.

Couples should learn to focus on each other and be attentive. When dining together, whether in a restaurant or at home, couples should have their attention divided between their partner and their ringing phone.  

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