NUTRITION&FOOD Published December7, 2014 By Staff Reporter

Most Vegetarians Go Back to Eating Meat

(Photo : sharonang-pixabay)

While going vegetarian or vegan sounds the most ideal for our health-not to mention it's trendy-only a small portion follows the rules through and through. Majority, on the other hand, go to the opposite direction and begin to eat meat once again.

You see, becoming a vegetarian is hard, and a new study can prove it. Humane Research Council along with Harris Interactive conducted a study participated by over 11,000 people.

Of those who said that they are vegetarians, a staggering 84% decide to consume meat into their diet once again. On the other hand, almost 90% of those surveyed had never tried such diet. In the end, about 2% can truly be called vegetarians and/or vegans.

One of the most common reasons for the reversion is craving. Many of these vegetarians or vegans have decided to quit cold turkey. Perhaps they've watched a video about how food retailers and restaurants obtained their meat or grow their supply. Because they haven't truly prepared for the lifestyle change, it isn't long before they are strongly tempted to give in to their desire to eat meat.

It also doesn't help that a lot of these meat-based dishes are incredibly delicious, which encouraged them further to eat meat.

Although many go back to pork, most of the ex-vegetarians look for chicken. Thus, those who conducted a survey believed that there is a need to limit the consumption of this poultry and help save many farm animals.

If there's a glimmer of hope to those who advocate the green eating lifestyle and animal rights, it's the fact that only few reported to quitting because of health issues they acquired from being a vegetarian. Moreover, almost 40% of the respondents expressed their desire to go vegetarian or vegan again in the future. The organizations are also taking the survey's results in a more positive light, saying that there are more people who have tried or trying to be vegetarian than they initially believed. 

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