HEADLINES Published December11, 2014 By Staff Reporter

Garlic Strengthens The Heart And Immune System Among Other Health Benefits It Possess.

(Photo : pixabay.com) Garlic can aid in maintaining a healthy heart.

Garlic has many health benefits ranging from heart health, anti-inflammatory and can kill bacteria among others. Below is a summary of the health benefits of garlic.

1.      Cardiovascular Benefits

Garlic has cardioprotective properties which aids in helping the person have a healthy heart and circulatory system. Garlic is proven to aid in the reduction of blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. However, the more protective effect of garlic is the protection of blood cells from being oxidized by free radicals and from inflammation.  When there are oxidative stress and damage on cells, it can also lead to vessel damage. This damage on the blood vessels is the culprit for many cardiovascular diseases. Atherosclerosis is one of the factors in reduction of blood supply to the different parts of the body, increased blood pressure, heart attack and even stroke. Allicin, Diallylpolysulfides, S-allylcysteine, and flavonoids are the phytochemicals responsible for protecting the cardiovascular system from due damage and illness.

Furthermore, the presence of Ajoene in garlic as an antithrombotic and antiplatelet will prevent clot formation inside the blood vessels. It prevents platelets from clotting and becoming sticky. This can lead to serious illnesses when not prevented. Diallylpolysulfides aid in the reduction of blood pressure because when it is inside the red blood cells, it will be converted into hydrogen sulfide. It can now reduce blood pressure by stimulating vessel dilatation. Also, Ajoene can reduce blood pressure too by triggering the TRPA1. The B Vitamins in garlic can also help in heart health by lowering the levels of homocysteine which can damage the vessel's wall.

2.      Anti-inflammatory

Inflammation in the body is but a normal process of the body's defense mechanism. However, if the inflammation does not go away and becomes chronic, it poses a problem. It can affect not only the cardiovascular system but also other parts of the body such as the musculoskeletal and respiratory systems. Garlic's constituentsthiacremonone and diallyl sulfide (DAS) from Diallylpolysulfides are the ones who fight inflammation in the body. They reduce inflammation in case of arthritis and airway inflammation in the case of asthma.

3.      Antioxidant

Garlic's constituents are mostly antioxidants. Antioxidants combat free radicals by protecting the cells of the body from oxidative stress which can lead to cell damage. Garlic can prevent aging, degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's and other diseases caused by oxidative stress.

4.      Anti-cancer

Garlic has crucial anti-cancer properties. Intake of garlic daily would prevent the occurrence of major types of cancer except breast cancer. However, colorectal and renal cancer shows good prognosis with garlic intake. Diallylpolysulfides or allyl sulfides play an important role in the prevention of cancer by promoting apoptosis. Apoptosis is programmed cell death of cancer cells. Hence, eradicating cancer cells and preventing them to replicate, mutate and proliferate. It can also damage the cancer cell's DNA. On irregular cell growth, these compounds could suppress the proliferation of cancer cells.

5.      Antimicrobial


The different ingredients of garlic such as allicin, phytoncides, ajoene,  andDiallylpolysulfides have potent antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. These protect the garlic from due damage from pests and microorganisms.In fact, ajoene has been studied and proven effective antifungal properties againsCandida albicans. Furthermore, garlic is proven effective for burn patients with Pseudomonas aeruginosainfection. For people with peptic or gastric ulcer, garlic has been proven potent on H.pylori,  one of the causes and culprits in the formation of ulcers in the stomach.











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