TEEN HEALTH Published October19, 2019 By Ernest Hamilton

Sour Smelling Breath: Top 5 Common Causes of Bad Breath

(Photo : Sour Smelling Breath: Top 5 Common Causes of Bad Breath)

Dry mouth is just one of several common causes of bad breath. Keep reading for sour smelling breath: top 5 common causes of bad breath.

Of the minor ailments and complaints that are connected with our bodies on a daily basis, bad breath is one of the most common. Whether you suffer from bad morning breath or have a longer, more negative relationship with it throughout the day, bad breath is something that can affect the self-confidence and happiness of those who have it.

Sour smelling breath is something that we have all been familiar with at one time or another, but there are those who have to fight it on a regular basis. Here are some of the most explanations of what causes bad breath in the morning and beyond.

1. General Oral Health - The Key to Avoiding Sour Smelling Breath

The first and most obvious cause of bad breath is when a person doesn't take proper care of their oral hygiene.

If you don't brush and floss at least two times a day than you run the risk of things like cavities and decay that can contribute to a bad smell (caused by bacteria.) For how to tell if you have bad breath in the morning, just cup your hand and smell.

2. Coffee Contributes to Smelly Breath

Drinking certain liquids can contribute to bad breath. People question does dry mouth cause bad breath, and certainly does, but more so in conjunction with something like coffee.

Coffee has a declining effect when it comes to your saliva, which in turn leads to the dreaded dry mouth that is so damaging.

3. Having a High Sugar Diet Doesn't Help

The irony of high sugar diets is that they are sweet smelling on the way in, but foul smelling on the way out!

Sugars can react badly to the existing bacteria in your mouth, causing a chemical reaction that leads to the familiar smell of bad breath.

4. Bad Breath is a Side Effect of Smoking

This might be another obvious once, but it's always worth pointing it out as one of the reasons to give up smoking. Among a catalogue of other things, smoking is bad for your breath.

The damage that smoking causes to the gum tissue can cause various degrees of gum disease, of which smelly breath is a major symptom.

5. Dry Mouth is a Classic Cause

Mentioned briefly in the point about coffee, it is worth listing dry mouth as a case of its own.

When your mouth cannot create enough saliva, it results in uncomfortable dryness that results in a very bad, almost old and musty smell in your breath.

Dry mouth is particularly prevalent for sufferers in the mornings when they have not had anything to drink or lubricate throughout the night.

The Treatments for Bad Breath

Now that you know some of the most common causes, the next step is to treat it. Knowing the cause is the first step and sometimes, stemming the cause is the solution. Otherwise, you can search online for some of the best home remedies for treating bad breath. You might also consider solutions to keep your sour smelling breath at bay such as mints or gum.

The Sweet Smell of Success

Persistent sour smelling breath won't go away on its own. Either tackle the course and make the necessary changes in your habits or find a solution, either medicinal or natural.

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