TEEN HEALTH Published November17, 2019 By Staff Reporter

Switching to a Microbiome Diet: How to Improve Gut Health

(Photo : Switching to a Microbiome Diet)

If you want to switch to a healthier lifestyle, you should start with a microbiome diet. Click here to learn how to improve your gut health.

Over 60 million people are affected by digestive diseases in the US today. Do you know what it takes to maintain a healthy gut microbiome?

Following a microbiome diet might be the best way to combat digestive problems and improve your overall health and wellness. The best part? A microbe-friendly diet is simple and easy to implement. 

Ready to boost your gut health? Keep reading to learn about why your microbiome is so important and how to improve your gut microbe balance. 

Get to Know Your Microbiome

What is a microbiome and why is it such a big deal? Your microbiome is your gut's community of trillions of bacteria and fungi--also called "microbes."

Why is it important? Because this cohabitation of bacteria and fungi are essential to your body's ability to function well.

Your microbiome affects your metabolism, immune system, hormonal balance, and digestive system. These essential microbes live mainly in your lower intestine. No two microbes are alike, and they are essential to life. 

Scientists still have a lot more to learn about the role of the microbiome and how it relates to our DNA. However, there have been over 2,000 clinical trials that show how having an unhealthy microbiome may be linked to diseases and illnesses. 

Are you ready to boost the health of your microbiome? Your first step might be to take a gut microbiome test to find out exactly what your body needs. You can learn more about microbe tests here: https://microbeformulas.com/blogs/microbe-formulas/are-gut-microbiome-tests-accurate-or-worth-it

Keep reading to discover how improving your diet can have positive effects on your gut microbiome health. You'll soon be on your way to a well-balanced gut!

Eight Simple Steps to Begin Your Microbiome Diet

One of the easiest ways to improve your gut's microbiome is to change the types of foods you eat. Here are eight simple steps to get you started on a healthy microbiome diet. 

1. Try Plant-Based

Switching to a plant-based diet is the best way to fast-track your gut's wellness. A healthy microbiome diet requires plenty of nutrients that only come from plants. 

When you eat more plants, you'll naturally boost your intake of fiber, water, and vitamins. It will also help you lessen the amount of red meat in your diet, which helps lower your risk of heart diseases down the road. 

If you're worried about getting enough protein, try adding more beans or soy foods to your regular meals. You can also opt for peanut butter or other nut spreads to help boost protein levels and keep you feeling full. 

2. Eat Fermented Foods Every Day

Fermented foods like kimchi and miso are a great way to support a healthy microbiome in your gut. These foods are made with beneficial bacteria that help fight bad bacteria in your digestive tract. 

Eating bacteria might not sound like a good idea, but it actually helps to balance out the types of bacteria that live inside your body. Not sure how to add in fermented foods to your regular diet? Try sipping a hot bowl of miso soup during dinner or drink kefir for breakfast in the morning. 

3. Increase Your Fiber Intake

Not only will this step teach you how to have a healthy microbiome, but it will also help you lower blood-sugar levels and maintain a healthy weight. You can get fiber from a wide variety of foods, like nuts and berries. 

Try mixing in chia seeds and spinach with your breakfast smoothie. You can also switch to whole-grain bread or brown rice. For a dinner idea, mix up a batch of chili or three-bean salad. 

4. Stay Away from Artificial Sweeteners

Both natural sugar and artificial sweeteners are dangerous because they help feed the bad bacteria inside your gut. When this happens, you experience uncomfortable gas, bloating, or even diarrhea. 

What's so bad about artificial sweeteners in particular? These additives destroy the metabolism of microbes and reduce gut diversity. 

5. Avoid Snacking

Although it might be difficult, saying no to snacking will help give your gut microbes a rest between big meals. This is also an important step to take if you tend to opt for unhealthy snacks like processed chips or sugary treats. 

Instead of snacking, focus on eating main meals that keep you feeling full. Make sure your meals include a source of protein and plenty of fiber. 

6. Go Outside

As we've learned so far, germs and bacteria aren't always a bad thing. If you have germophobic tendencies, it might be a good idea to put away the hand sanitizer for a day. Go outside and do some yard work, repot those flowers, or pet your neighbor's dog. 

7. Try to Avoid Antibiotics

Antibiotics kill the bad bacteria that cause major illnesses, but they also kill the good bacteria that work to keep you healthy. Because of this, it's a good idea to do your best to only take antibiotics when necessary. 

If you need to take antibiotics for a bacterial infection, be sure to take multi-strain probiotics in between each dosage. If you're not sure about this step, you can always talk with your doctor about the best plan for your body. 

8. Eat Seasonally

Your microbiome loves diversity, which means it's a good idea to eat with the seasons. What does this mean? 

Eating seasonally means you buy produce that is naturally ready to harvest during each season. Depending on where you live, these foods will vary as the weather changes. 

For example, your local market might have artichokes in spring and squash in the fall. Eating seasonal produce means the items you buy will be fresher and more affordable. 

This will help boost the health of your gut microbiome because you won't be eating produce that has been canned or aged during the shipping process. Instead, seasonal produce will be at its peak and arrive at your door when it's fresh and full of nutrients. 

Eat Well, Be Well

Eating foods for a healthy gut is a great way to start improving the gut biome. Foods that fuel a happy gut microbiome include fiber-rich vegetables, berries, seasonal produce, and fermented foods. Following a microbiome diet is the first step to improving your wellness. 

Looking for more ways to boost your diet? Read our guide on reducing salt intake while keeping the flavor. 

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