HEADLINES Published November20, 2019 By Staff Reporter

How to Make 2020 Your Year of Accomplishments

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Most people set New Year's resolutions. Unfortunately, many of them never accomplish those resolutions.

A whopping 80 percent of New Year's resolution setters give up by the second week of February, according to US News. If you want to make 2020 your year of accomplishments, you're going to need to figure out what it takes to break this trend and finally reach your goals. Keep reading to learn what you need to do to take control and make this your year.

Make a Realistic Bucket List

One reason some goals get ditched so quickly is that they are too difficult to actually attain. Sometimes it's because reaching the goal is out of your control. While you can work hard to impress your boss, this won't always be enough to get that promotion you're dreaming of. Other times, your goals simply can't be constrained to just 365 days. If you're dreaming of making a certain amount of money, you may find yourself needing a bit more time.

Rather than setting yourself up for potential failure, aim to set goals that are attainable. Rather than shooting for a promotion, you could set a goal within your current career that would set yourself up for a promotion in the future, like reaching a certain amount of sales or expanding your client base. Avoid setting a specific monetary goal, and instead, make your resolution about how you plan to make extra money, like by finally starting that side hustle you've been dreaming of.

Find Your Confidence

It isn't just the size of your goals that lead to you giving up on them early on in the year. It's difficult to stay motivated to stick to goals that offer little emotional return. If working toward and reaching your goals doesn't make you feel happy, proud, and confident, you'll be far more likely to abandon them.

To help make 2020 your year, choose goals that will empower you and boost you up in all areas of your life. For instance, starting your own business or partnering with an established company can be a wonderful way to improve your overall well-being. Besides a boost of confidence and pride in becoming your own boss, you'll also be empowered with more money in your pocket to help you reach other goals or finally feel some financial stability. And making money with Amway - a well-known direct sales company - makes it easy to launch a business without the stress and risk of trying to start one all on your own, working from the ground up.

Celebrate Your Successes

Finally, if you want to keep yourself motivated all year long, it's important to celebrate your successes. When you reach a milestone in your goals, reward yourself. It doesn't have to be an over-the-top celebration; just enough to recognize that you've done something that was difficult and faced down your fears or worries to finally do what you've always wanted to. Celebrating little wins throughout the year will help keep you on track and motivated to keep working toward your other goals.

Making 2020 a Year of Accomplishments

Just 8 percent of people who set New Year's resolutions will actually achieve them, according to the NY Post. By setting attainable goals that boost your confidence and celebrating yourself as you make progress, you can become a part of the elite few who will take control of their lives and make 2020 their year!

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