TEEN HEALTH Published December10, 2019 By Ernest Hamilton

A Guide on How to Stop Bleeding Gums

(Photo : A Guide on How to Stop Bleeding Gums)

Do you gums bleed often? The taste of blood in your mouth can be disgusting, but you can put the issue to an end. Here's a guide on how to stop bleeding gums.

Periodontal disease, better known as gum disease, affects almost half of all people. But just because it's common doesn't make it any less dangerous.

Gum disease can increase your risk of certain types of cancer, heart disease, and more.

So before your gum disease gets out of hand, make sure you know how to stop bleeding gums and prioritize your safety. Keep reading for more!

Visit Your Dentist

Gum disease rarely occurs in a bubble. It's common to see gum disease in patients with other dental issues like cavities or enamel decay.

Unfortunately, these aren't issues you can take care of yourself, so it's time to stop putting off that visit to your local dentist.

If you don't have a preferred dentist, you still don't have much of an excuse. As seen here, scheduling an appointment is easy and takes minutes.

Most experts recommend two visits per year, so don't delay. Your dentist may be able to prescribe you antibiotics or special toothpaste and mouthwash that will cut down on bleeding.

Change Brushing Habits

While you're waiting for your dental visit, you can start taking small steps toward better oral health, beginning by switching your toothbrush.

If you're not already, use a brush with soft bristles. Softer bristles are less likely to irritate your gums and open pockets of tissue, allowing bacteria to enter the gums and worsen the tissue and teeth.

Get in the habit of brushing at least twice per day, as well. Keep a timer with you and brush for two minutes each time.

Finally, rinse your mouth with an alcohol-free mouthwash, as an alcohol-based mouthwash can dry your mouth out, allowing plaque and bacteria to stick. Ideally, pick a mouthwash that contains zinc, chlorhexidine, and fluoride.

Adjust Your Diet

Adding a few delicious foods to your dietary staple can help blood clots, strengthen your immune system, and toughen tissue.

You'll want to choose foods that are high in vitamins C and K. Here are a few foods to enjoy while improving your oral health:

  • Sweet potatoes

  • Oranges

  • Lemons

  • Celery

  • Honeydew

  • Kale

  • Strawberries

Fortunately, these foods are easy to work with, so you shouldn't have any trouble creating flavorful dishes that inspire good health.

However, you should cut some foods out of your diet, too.

Do your best to limit foods high in sugar. Or, if you can't stand to give up your dessert (we don't blame you), at least make an effort to brush after eating sugary foods.

How to Stop Bleeding Gums for Good

Bleeding gums are dangerous, painful, and unsightly. But they won't go away on their own. You'll need to take a proactive stance and fight back against gum disease.

Follow these steps on how to stop bleeding gums to take care of your gums and get your smile back.

For more info on how you can take your health into your own hands, make sure to check back with our blog!

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