TEEN HEALTH Published January9, 2020 By Staff Reporter

How to Prepare Your Teen for Wisdom Teeth Surgery

(Photo : Bigstock) Wisdom teeth dental problems funny concept with cute teeth with different emotions. V

Nobody wants to hear the news that their wisdom teeth need to be removed, especially parents of teens. When it comes to your children, you want to keep them safe from pain and discomfort. Unfortunately, you can't have wisdom tooth extraction for them, but you can be your teen's best support system when it comes to following pre and post-operative procedures.

Wisdom Teeth Extractions Are Common Among Teens

It may set your teen's mind at ease to understand that they aren't alone in this process. Wisdom teeth often appear in the early teen years. The best practice is to remove the wisdom teeth prior to them erupting through the gums. Since the wisdom teeth aren't firmly rooted at this point, it's easier to remove them. Dentists often recommend having the surgery done between the ages of 16 through 19.

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Have To Be Removed?

Not every wisdom tooth will need to be pulled. However, some wisdom teeth can cause painful or serious dental problems later in life. For instance, if the incoming wisdom tooth doesn't have enough room to grow, then it can become impacted. When you have an impacted wisdom tooth, it can become infected and swollen. The surgical procedure to remove can be lengthy with longer healing times. Other issues with wisdom teeth are that they may change the alignment of your existing teeth, or they may grow in crooked. You can learn more about wisdom teeth to share with your teen here.

Preparing Your Teen For Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Whether your teenager is acting tough or aloof about experiencing wisdom teeth surgery, they are likely still nervous about it. Teens don't always share their feelings upfront because they don't want to be thought of as a child. By being honest with your teen about what they may experience during and after the extraction, they'll know what to expect.


Getting Ready For The Surgery

If this is your teen's first surgery, then it's important for you to make sure they follow all of the dentist's pre-operative instructions. These are the important points to be aware of:

●     No eating or drinking anything for eight hours before the surgery, and this includes water.

●     No smoking 12 hours prior to surgery. Your teen shouldn't be smoking but it's necessary to let them know about this important rule.

●     Don't wear makeup or nail polish to your oral surgery appointment.

●     Remove contact lenses, jewelry and glasses before the surgery.

●     Wear low heeled shoes and comfortable clothes.

●     No driving the car until 24 hours after your surgery.

What To Expect In The Dentist's Chair

If your teen has never been sedated, you'll want to explain to them they might feel drowsy or disoriented. The dental team will also alert your teen to the steps in the extraction before they proceed. You should also encourage your teenager to communicate with the dentist if they are feeling pain even after being given anesthesia.

Caring For Your Teenager After The Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Once the hard part of having the wisdom tooth is done, encourage your teen to rest. The dentist will prescribe pain killers that should give to them at the recommended doses. The rules to follow for postoperative wisdom teeth extraction:

●     Don't rinse or spit for 24 hours after surgery.

●     Don't use a straw or anything that creates suction.

●     Try to keep your tongue away from the extraction site.

●     Keep your fingers out of your mouth.

●     Drink lots of fluids.

●     Eat soft foods and stay away from hard items like chips, popcorn or nuts.

The dentist will instruct your child to rinse their mouth with salt water once the 24 hour period has passed to promote healing. By following these instructions and with your help, your teen will enjoy a seamless extraction.

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