TEEN HEALTH Published January15, 2020 By Staff Reporter

Vying for a Career in Healthcare Leadership? Here are Key Areas You Need to Focus On

(Photo : Pixabay)

It's not easy to enter the healthcare industry. First, you need to go through the rigorous academic requirements and hands-on training. You have to spend several years in school and get the degree or diploma that qualifies you for certain healthcare positions. Often, you also have to pass standardized state or national exams. The requirements become stricter for those who want to take a leadership position.

If you want to pursue a career in healthcare leadership, it's important to be mindful of the following key areas.

1. Education

Everyone seeking to be part of the healthcare industry must have the appropriate academic credentials. There are many specializations to choose from, so you have to pick the one that is most suitable for you. Becoming a licensed nurse or physician is not going to be enough to land a leadership role. Further studies and training will help you get the right skill set as a manager or figurehead. For example, you can get a healthcare informatics certificate and undergo related training to become well-versed with management-related functions. You can't just rely on the years you have accumulated as a healthcare professional to be promoted to a leadership post. Get additional certificates or degrees to make your curriculum vitae more attractive.

2. Experience

Experience is not just about the number of years you have spent as a nurse, doctor, or other professional in the healthcare field. Attendance does not equate to experience. You have to make sure that you pursue opportunities that test your skills. A surgeon with a below-average number of surgeries (compared to other surgeons in the same facility) is unlikely to be considered an experienced surgeon.

Moreover, it's crucial to demonstrate your leadership skills when working with a team. If you are seeking promotion, it's inevitable for your peers to be interviewed about you. Make sure that you leave the impression that you can be an excellent leader.

3. People skills

It's also advisable to work on your interactions with other people. This is not to say that you have to suck up to the powers that be or to act like a politician trying to attract voters. A good leader is someone who can easily interact with people. If you find mingling with peers and subordinates difficult, becoming a good healthcare leader will certainly become even more challenging. Leaders work with people, so it does not make sense to ignore the need to develop people skills. 

Effective leadership in the healthcare industry requires good education and training, experience, and interpersonal skills. You can't exude authority and the ability to convince people to heed your words if you are lacking in these three key areas. Obtain advanced academic credentials or specializations, actively seek out opportunities that will give you leadership experience, and develop the way you deal with people to have better chances of making it to a leadership post. 

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