TEEN HEALTH Published January29, 2020 By Staff Reporter

Can You get an IV at Home?

(Photo : Unsplash)

If you have experienced IV therapy, there is a good chance that you did so in a hospital. No matter what landed you in the hospital in the first place, you may have noticed that you felt a million percent better after you had the IV in your arm. You may be wondering if there is a way to feel that way without the exorbitant hospital bill. Fortunately, there is a way you can feel instantly better no matter where you are. IV therapy is the latest health care craze and you can get it right in the comfort of your own home, your office or your hotel room. 

Benefits of IV Therapy

Hangover Cure 

When you're out with friends having a good time, it can be easy to eat and drink too much. Unfortunately, the world will not stop to accommodate your hangover. IV therapy can get rid of a hangover fast, so you can get on with any work or social activities that you have planned. Mobile IV Medics can normally be there within a couple of hours. 

Alcohol is dehydrating and IV therapy will replenish the fluids you have lost. The treatment will also contain B-vitamins for energy and glutathione which breaks down alcohol in your body.

Morning Sickness Cure

If you are within your first few months of pregnancy, you are probably sick of making a mad dash to the bathroom several times a day. You never know what smells or food are going to make you sick next, and all you want to do is sleep. Going to the doctor every time you feel this way would be terribly inconvenient, not to mention costly. You need to eat and drink properly when you are pregnant and you can't do that if you are always sick. An IV therapist can come to you wherever you are and provide an IV cocktail that contains Vitamin B complex and anti-nausea medicine to make you feel better right away. 

It Can Cure Jet Lag

If you have flown into town for an important meeting or presentation, you need to be at your most alert. Unfortunately, it is possible to experience jet lag. IV therapy can get rid of all the symptoms that go along with sleep deprivation and air sickness including headache, nausea and fatigue.


Home IV treatment doesn't only benefit you when you are sick. Let's say you are supposed to attend a big event and you need to look your best, but you do not have very much time to prepare. You can simply get an IV therapist to come to you with a beauty cocktail which contains vitamin C and zinc, which can help make your skin glow and look younger.

Is It Safe?

When you have IV therapy, you can rest assured that the person who administers your treatment is a trained medical professional. The needles are small and a medical assessment will always be done to make sure that your experience is safe and healthy.

No matter what ails you, IV therapy can help. An IV therapist can normally arrive at your location within a few hours, so you won't have to wait very long to feel better. Your health is extremely important, but it doesn't have to be an emergency.

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