TEEN HEALTH Published May21, 2020 By Staff Reporter

Growing Pains: Toddler to Teenager

(Photo : Unsplash)

At times, it might seem like you have your plate full being a parent. There are definitely a good number of challenges that you'll face from infancy through adulthood. While there's no standard, across-the-board answer to every problem, you can take comfort in knowing that you're not alone. Other parents have gone through these trials, too, and survived - you will too. 

The Toddler Years

At this point, you're constantly in awe. Your child is literally learning every day, learning how to walk, learning their colors and numbers, and even learning what grates on your nerves. Their world is constantly changing.

At this point, they're often relying on soothing habits to deal with life, one of which is the dreaded thumb sucking. If this habit has continued past the toddler years, there are a variety of thumb sucking stop tactics you can take. You can use distraction as a method or even rely on a special guard that makes the habit impossible. 

Your child's personality will shine through during the formative toddler years too. You might discover they're the ultimate sweetheart with a heart of gold, or you might discover they have a rebellious streak a mile wide. If defiance is a problem, you might need to implement more discipline, but often times it can be a sign that they need more attention. It's also okay to implement punishments such as taking away a device if you let them play on a tablet or putting them in a chair for a timeout.  

School-Age Years

When your child goes to school, you're really going to see them start to bloom. They're going to develop even more of a personality, and possibly take on some not-so-fabulous habits they pick up from classmates. In these cases, it's best to reinforce positive behavior. 

Another thing you might discover during the school years is that your child is a picky eater. You can't rationalize it, why will your son eat cheddar cheese but scoff at all other types? Why will they eat their weight in potatoes but all other vegetables are cause for a riot?

Later on, in their pre-teens and teens, they're going to discover the feelings that come with developing a crush. Raging hormones are a real thing during puberty, and you're likely to notice different behaviors. For instance, your daughter may start spending more time in front of the mirror, trying new looks, and playing around with makeup. Your son may decide that it's time to shave or hide in his room, embarrassed at how his voice is cracking. 


As your child progresses through their teens, they're likely to become more emotional. Some of it is hormones, some of it is dealing with the typical growing pains. As parents, you're likely to feel more shut out during these years as your child struggles to find out who they are and navigate the world of friends, peer pressure and newfound freedoms. Communication is essential during these years. It's also important to pay attention to any new changes in behavior. You might think you know your children, but you'd be surprised at how adept they are at hiding their feelings and sometimes, their bad habits.

As a parent, there are certainly many challenges to face, but in the midst of them, you also get to experience the good moments. Keep this in mind when your picky eater refuses to eat or your toddler runs around with her thumb in her mouth after you've gone through pains to get her to stop. Just remember, this too, shall pass. In the meantime, count your blessings and enjoy their childhood, because once it's gone, you'll look back on those memories - growing pains and all - and wonder where the time went. 

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