LIFE Published May27, 2020 By Staff Reporter

Is College for Me? 5 Questions to Help You Make the Big Decision

(Photo : Pixabay)

For some, going to college is the next step in their life journey. However, it's important to remember that we all have a choice and have different outlooks on life. Some of us wish to start a family, and others want to pursue their dream career. If you're finding it difficult to decide upon your future path, answer these questions to help make your decision. 

What career do I want to pursue? 

For some of us, knowing what we want to study, comes naturally. You might have had it planned out since you were a child. If you are confident in what you want to achieve, then you should follow your dreams. Some individuals might speak to College Admissions Consultants straight away, while others still might be unsure. 

It's important to remember that it's ok if you can't decide straight away. There are still many options, and some jobs don't require any qualifications or experience. You could even consider taking a gap year, so you can spend time making the right decision. 

Am I going for me, or for someone else? 

For some of us, we may feel that we are attending college and studying something that we aren't necessarily interested in to please another. If you think that way, it's essential to take a step back and think about yourself and your desires. Is this really what you want, or are you trying to make somebody else happy? Remember, you should never feel ashamed about your decision. 

What are my other options? 

While college and university are the most popular ways to learn skills and qualifications, there are many other options to consider. You might consider taking on an internship or studying an online course. Explore around, and look at all of your options, so you can find out what is the right choice for you. 

Am I being pressured into this? 

If you find that you are making a decision because you are being pressured into it, remember to think about yourself and what you want your future to look like. You might be tempted to move to a location because of family or a significant other. It would help if you always remembered to put yourself first, especially when making a big decision like this. 

What do I want my future to look like? 

Finally, you want to ask yourself what you want your future to look like. As mentioned above, we all want different things in life, so we shouldn't be ashamed by choosing what we want for ourselves. If you're going to continue studying, and start your own business, that's great! But if you're going to start a family, that's great too!  

Hopefully, by answering the above questions, you'll soon be able to decide whether college is the right choice for you. Never feel ashamed or embarrassed about your preferences, and if you need support, it's always available. Good luck with whatever your decision may be!  

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