TRENDING Published July15, 2020 By Staff Reporter

Tongkat Ali Fact Check: Separating Truth From the Hype

(Photo : Mokkie) Eurycoma longifolia. Common names: Tongkat Ali. Ali's Umbrella.
Origin: Peninsula Malaysia. Indonesia.

Medicinal usage: Roots are taken to boost testosterone levels.

Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia) goes by a variety of names across its native Southeast Asia. It boasts a variety of health benefits, some are clinically proven and some still rooted in tradition and legends. However, the health benefits of Tongkat Ali as a natural supplement is undeniable and is rapidly gaining a foothold among the health-conscious population. Here we will separate the facts from the myth and explain in detail how beneficial this Asian herb is and whether you should try it.

Which Tongkat Ali?

Tongkat Ali is grown in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Sumatra Thailand, and many other southeast Asian regions. For generations, they have been used locally for their aphrodisiac properties as well as a healing herb for a multitude of ailments including Malaria and dysentery. 

As the soil composition and weather vary between regions, the plant chemistry also shows subtle differences in Tongkat Ali from country to country. However, the Eurycomanone content remains relatively unchanged between the varieties. 

Malaysian traditional medicine has long made use of these herbs to increase energy and treat sexual dysfunction. However, this beneficial drug is no longer limited to the Southeast Asian regions but is now exported worldwide. For example, Tongkat Ali UK imports the roots directly from source countries and manufactures the extract through a standardized process to maintain safety and quality.

Tongkat Ali Benefits

Erectile Dysfunction and Low libido-According to a study, researchers concluded that subjects had enhanced sexual performance and erectile function following twelve weeks supplementation of a product containing a Eurycoma longifolia extract and Polygonum minus (an antioxidant). Moreover, Tongkat Ali roots have been traditionally used by generations of locals across Borneo and the Malaysian peninsula for its aphrodisiac properties.

Muscle Growth-Due to its effect on testosterone levels, Tongkat Ali is also found to contribute to enhanced muscle growth and strength. This is another reason why Tongkat Ali is a popular natural supplement among athletes and bodybuilders to improve performance. 

Stress Relief - The extract decreases cortisol level aka the stress hormone. People have reported decreased anxiety and improved mood after regular supplement use.

Late-onset Hypogonadism and Infertility - A study claimed that Tongkat Ali improved the symptoms related to the onset of hypogonadism. Furthermore, it also improves sperm motility and concentration thus increasing the chances of fertility in males.

How Does Tongkat Ali Work

The mechanism of action due to the use of Tongkat Ali has been well researched and clinically proven. It basically works by increasing free testosterone levels as follows:

  • Stimulates testosterone production by Leydig cells of testis in response to increased Luteinizing Hormones (LH) secretion.

  • Reduces the conversion of Testosterone to Estrogen (aromatization),

  • Reduces sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) thus freeing testosterone

  • Reduction in cortisol, the stress hormone that lowers testosterone

In addition, Tongkat Ali also:

  • Improves erectile strength without side effects

  • Increase in male fertility, sperm quality, motility and quantity

  • Natural energizer

  • Safely and meaningfully boosts androgen levels

  • Improves strength during exercise with an anabolic effect on muscle growth

  • May promote weight loss

As a result, Tongkat Ali improves testosterone level reversing "andropause". It is perhaps the safest herbal supplement to help improve male fertility without undesirable side effects. This has made Tongkat Ali a popular supplement for athletes and bodybuilders too.

Side Effects

One of the reasons that make Tongkat Ali a popular supplement is a lack of concerning side effects. The few studies conducted have reported no side effects due to the ingestion of Tongkat Ali and daily doses of 200-400mg  are considered safe. 

Tongkat Ali and Heavy Metals

However, some samples examined from Malaysia have been found to contain traces of heavy metals like mercury and lead. This is mainly due to soil contamination on the herb surface rather than the herb itself. Tongkat Ali grown in farms exposed to leaded petrol exhaustion and heavy industry are most likely to have higher levels of these metals compared to those grown deep in the rainforest.

Fortunately, GMP standards imposed on health contents require them to undergo a heavy metal test (Atomic Absorption Spectrometry) to determine whether lead and other heavy metals are present in addition to microbial contamination. Therefore a reputable and tested brand will be free of these potentially dangerous compounds. 

Tongkat Ali and Blood Pressure 

Many men also have shown concern regarding taking these supplements is elevated blood pressure. Its mild anti-hypertensive vasodilatory effect on penile circulation has led to its use as a treatment for erectile dysfunction. Therefore both hypertensive and diabetic men can use it without worry.

Tongkat Ali and Aggressiveness

Contrary to popular misconception, testosterone boost due to Tongkat Ali does not cause aggressiveness. Instead, its anti-anxiety effects have been reproduced in clinical trials on animals. Tongkat Ali only stimulates the body production of testosterone as opposed to synthetic testosterone. This ensures that testosterone is within the physiological limit of the body, boosting your energy for both the gym and the bedroom.


Commercially Tongkat Ali extracts usually come as a powder. It is very bitter to test and is usually suggested to be taken with coffee or a morning drink. Recommended doses are 200-400mg powder daily. However, the requirements vary from person to person so consult your physician before starting or changing your dose of Tongkat Ali.

Precautions and Contraindications

Tongkat Ali is not known to have any severe drug interactions. Nonetheless, consult your doctor or pharmacist before beginning Tongkat Ali especially if you use any drugs for long-term ailments.

Tongkat Ali is usually advised not to be taken under the following conditions as the raised testosterone levels may have undesirable effects on the pre-existing condition:

  • Prostate cancer

  • Male breast cancer

  • Heart disease

  • Sleep apnea

  • Kidney disease

  • Concomitant immunosuppressant

  • Breastfeeding and Lactating mothers

Maximize the Effect of Tongkat Ali

Taking Tongkat Ali before regular exercise with a balanced diet along with zinc supplements may work synergistically to quickly enhance testosterone production and boost libido.

Tongkat Ali For Women

Women are also able to reap the benefits of Tongkat Ali. The dosage is a quarter for that in men. Sports performance, energy, and libido showed a positive change after regular supplement intake in women. It can also be taken by menopausal women to continue progesterone production from ovaries and adrenal glands.


Despite the limited research and speculation surrounding the effects of Tongkat Ali, it is a widely popular supplement consumed by people worldwide. Long term effects of supplements are yet to be documented. If you think you will be benefited from Tongkat Ali, it would be wise to consult your physician or a health professional. Invest in a reputable brand and stay vigilant for any adverse effects you may experience. 

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