TEEN HEALTH Published July24, 2020 By Joseph West

6 Signs Your Vagina Needs Extra TLC

(Photo : depositphotos)

Every woman has a relationship with her vagina. Women are very in-tune with their bodies and generally know when something is wrong. However, women are also hesitant to act on their concerns and are likely to downplay issues and put off dealing with them. This is why it's so important for women to know what's "normal" when it comes to their vagina and know what to do if they have any concerns. Developing a positive and open relationship with a healthcare provider is a key step in achieving this.


Vaginal dryness is a very common issue that can create a lot of problems. This is especially true in women who are going through menopause because of dropping estrogen levels. It can also be a result of childbirth, breastfeeding, chemotherapy, hysterectomy, and certain medications. Vaginal dryness can be very uncomfortable and create problems with sexual intercourse, making it painful and unpleasant. If you are dealing with vaginal dryness, there are things you can do to help! You can try using lubricants during sex or even using a special lotion for vaginas to help soothe some of this dryness and get you back to feeling 100%.


Vaginal itching is always a cause for concern. It can be caused by something very minor, like an irritating soap or it can be caused by something major like an STD or even vulvar cancer. This is why it's important to visit your doctor if you have concerns about an overly-itchy vagina. They can try to determine whether the itching is caused by an STD, a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, or something more serious. However, it's also important to know that itchiness can also be caused by normal things like menopause and stress.


Every vagina has its own unique smell, but some smells are not a good sign. An unusually strong odor can be a sign of an STD like trichomoniasis, a condition called vaginitis, or even cervical cancer. However, it can also be caused by things like poor hygiene and poor menstrual habits. So make sure that you are keeping the area clean and that you change pads and tampons regularly.


Obviously, vaginas are supposed to bleed occasionally but sometimes bleeding is not normal! Some light spotting between periods is generally normal, especially if you are using a form of hormonal birth control. However, if you are bleeding heavily between periods, bleeding for long periods of time, or bleeding post-menopause - these are signs that you need to speak with a doctor.


We have always been told that periods are supposed to be painful - but that's not the case! Sex should also not be painful. So if you are having any degree of pain then you need to go see a doctor. You could have an underlying condition like endometriosis, an ovarian cyst, or even a fibroid that requires treatment. So trust your body and don't accept living in pain!


Some level of vaginal discharge is normal but vaginal discharge can also alert you of potential problems. Discharge is usually white or clear, so if it changes color, consistency, frequency, or smell - this could be a sign of an infection that needs medical attention.

It's about time that you care properly for your body and put yourself first. So if you are dealing with any of these issues then make sure to talk to a doctor about your concerns. It may be because of a simple problem that requires an easy fix or a more serious underlying issue. In any case, knowledge is power!

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