LIVING HEALTHY Published September9, 2020 By Ernest Hamilton

How to Stay Healthy on a Budget

(Photo : How to Stay Healthy on a Budget)

In our teens and 20s, we're sold on the idea that we have to spend a lot to be healthy. Instead of paying for expensive diets, trainers, and equipment to stay healthy, read on for ways you can change your lifestyle for a healthier you without breaking the bank.  

Eating Healthy on a Budget

Balancing our social life, stress from college, and a hectic work schedule can take a toll on our eating habits. Gain control back of your diet by including these changes into your daily routine. 

Plan Ahead

A 2019 USDA report states that college students spend an average of $163 to $367 a month on food. Keep track of your eating habits by keeping a food diary. By taking note of where and when you buy food, you can be prepared to make better nutritional and financial decisions. Many times, we spend more than we intended. 

Cook at Home

A study from the University of Washington School of Public Health shows that preparing home-cooked meals leads to healthier and more affordable food choices. People who cook their own meals consume fewer carbohydrates and calories - even if they don't intend to eat healthier. 

Don't have the time and energy to whip up a fresh meal in your dorm? Here's a shortcut:

Meal Prepping

Meal prepping isn't just for fitness fans. Planning and cooking a week's worth of meals saves you time and money that would otherwise be wasted ordering from restaurants at the last minute. 

Stay Hydrated

Sometimes, our bodies mistake thirst for hunger. Stay hydrated by keeping water nearby and not waiting until you feel thirsty to drink water. After having a glass, you'll be satisfied, or you'll know it's hunger when you still experience stomach pangs or cravings.  

Avoid Junk Food

Foods high in salt, sugar, and other heavily processed options are cheap and readily available - but it must be avoided whenever possible. It often has little to no nutritional value and can cost you more down the line because it may increase hunger or cravings. 

Shop Smart

The key to healthy eating isn't how much you spend. It's knowing what to buy and when. Take advantage of sales when they arise, opt for generic brands and coupons. 

Staying Fit on a Budget

Staying active in college is a breeze if you participate in sports, attend your campus fitness center, or use student discounts in local gyms. What if you're short on time or don't have access to a fitness membership? Here are a few ideas to get your body moving for free. 

Ditch the Uber

Do you think walking is overrated? Think again: a study of 12,000 adults shows that individuals who walked more were less likely to be obese than those that drove or took public transportation. 

On average, the CDC recommends a minimum of 2000 steps per day - more if you want to reap health benefits. How much you should walk also depends on your occupation, age, and overall health. 

Take Online Classes

When going to the gym or local classes aren't optional, you can watch and follow fitness videos straight from your dorm. Take your pick from free workout instructors on video-sharing platforms, health and fitness websites, or download an app that offers free dieting and workout plans.  

Take Care of Your Mental Health  

Psychological wellbeing may be perhaps one of the most overlooked aspects of a healthy lifestyle. Do your best to get the recommended amount of sleep, take breaks when possible, and spend quality time with friends and hobbies that you love. When you take care of your mental health, all else will follow. 


You don't have to break the bank (or your schedule) to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. The important part is to set a budget, plan ahead, and make adjustments according to what works best for you. The better you can take care of yourself, the more prepared you'll be to seize the day.

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