LIVING HEALTHY Published September24, 2020 By Ernest Hamilton

The Many Benefits of Massage Therapy for Seniors

(Photo : The Many Benefits of Massage Therapy for Seniors )

Is there a loved one in your life who experiences chronic pain from fibromyalgia, arthritis, or another severe condition? Such conditions can genuinely be debilitating, and it can cause a lot of stress on the affected person and their friends and family. It hurts to see the people we love in pain.

Often, pain medications and drugs aren't the answer. Certain drugs are habit-forming and have adverse long-term effects on your physical health. For example, opioids can negatively affect gastrointestinal, respiratory, musculoskeletal, endocrine, immune, and central nervous systems.

Fortunately, there are other natural methods to treat pain. Massage therapy is a drug-free solution to alleviate muscle and joint pain utilizing practices and techniques that people have sworn by for thousands of years. It's an incredibly healthy pain management plan for Seniors because it improves the quality of life by increasing energy levels and enhancing overall emotional wellbeing. 

With the right home health care in Mississauga and the GTA, your loved one could receive customized massage therapy sessions right in the comfort of home. Such a service helps those with mobility issues who may find it difficult to leave their residence due to a wheelchair or because they experience physical discomfort. Consider the benefits of at-home massage therapy for the beloved Senior in your life. 

Massage Therapy Enhances Blood Flow

It's common for circulation to decrease with age. A gentle massage from an at-home Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) will help get the blood pumping and send oxygen to the brain and other vital organs.

Massage Therapy Improves Balance and Gait 

Did you know that falling is one of the biggest concerns among Seniors? Bones tend to weaken as people age, and it's challenging to stay grounded at all times. Massage therapy increases blood flow to the limbs and helps to improve proprioception, which is the sense of self-movement and relative position of body parts. The increased blood flow to the limbs and enhanced proprioception can improve balance, reducing the chance of falling or slipping. 

Massage Therapy Eases Tension in Tissue and Muscles 

It's common to reduce activity with age. Many people develop arthritis or other forms of bodily pain, and it's not easy to get out and about - let alone exercise. While it remains vital to keep as active as possible, slowing down is an inevitable part of the ageing process, and because of this, muscles sometimes harden and become tighter.

Regular massage helps to soften muscles and tissues by increasing blood flow to these areas of the body, ultimately reducing overall muscle tension.

Massage Therapy Combats Anxiety, Stress, and Depression 

Depression, anxiety, and stress aren't always part of the ageing process, but many Seniors experience at least one of these conditions because getting old is challenging. Many changes occur as people get older. Regular massage therapy sessions help lower cortisol levels in the body, increasing serotonin and dopamine. These neurotransmitters assist with stabilizing mood. 

The next time your loved one complains of pain - whether it's physical or emotional - consider a visit from an at-home RMT before you reach for the bottle of pain relievers. It's a natural form of therapy that will alleviate aches and pains without the risk of addiction or internal damage caused by medication. 

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