LIVING HEALTHY Published September25, 2020 By Ernest Hamilton

Importance of Good Air Quality In Your Home

(Photo : Importance of Good Air Quality In Your Home)

Whether it is a Pink Floyd song, a bumper sticker, or a tattoo we are constantly reminded to breathe. However, the quality of the air we breathe is very important, especially nowadays. The EPA has stated that when properly used, air filters can help reduce contaminants, including those that contain viruses. There are actually many benefits to having good air quality in your home. 

You Will Get a Better Nights Sleep 

What could be more important than sleeping well? People try everything in an effort to get to sleep. They exercise to excess, Some spend years practicing meditation and yoga and others take pills and alcohol to fall asleep. 

A good night's sleep is critical to mental clarity and overall health and energy. People sleep much better when they are cool. A good air filtration system and a smoothly running air conditioner will help you doze off in comfort. 

You Will be Free of Allergens 

Does your cat's hair cause you to sneeze constantly? Do your neighbors' prize-winning roses make you weep? If so, it is important to have a good filtration system in your home. A high-quality air filter system can also trap allergens and keep them out of the air you breathe.

Air filters have quality standards that are set by the EPA. They are graded by the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values. The MERV rating system ranks the quality of air filters from 1 to 20 with 20 being the highest. Air filters that are ranked above 11 are thought to be the best for removing pet dander and pollen from plants. Allergens can cause you to get sick. 

Eliminate Odor 

Mold loves warm stale air and has a much harder time growing in cold air. Germs also fester in warm air and they can cause an unpleasant odor. Although you may try to cover those smells up with air fresheners, they will keep coming back if the air is not clean. Keeping the air in your home clean and cool can greatly improve your home's aroma. 

Save on Your Energy Bills

If you click the air conditioner on and off throughout the day, you are actually wasting energy. You will save the most money by not overworking your air conditioning system. Not cleaning your air filters can cause your air conditioner to become clogged. It will have to work harder to do the same job and that will use more energy. 

Mold and the build-up of debris have been linked to heart disease, asthma, and other serious lung problems. People with asthma are thought to be more at risk for the Coronavirus. The better air filter you have, the smaller particles it will be able to capture. The Coronavirus can travel in PM of 2.5. Filters that have a MERV rating of 8 or above are the best for trapping particles that are this small. 

Breathing clean air can make you feel better in general. Keeping your home clean and free of debris can keep you and your family healthy. An efficient HVAC system with filters that you clean and change regularly, will keep you comfortable and give you the edge you need in staying healthy in these trying times.

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