TEEN HEALTH Published October1, 2020 By Ernest Hamilton

6 Dental Care Tips for Teenagers

(Photo : 6 Dental Care Tips for Teenagers )

While many teenagers may not think of dental care as a priority when compared to school, friends, or keeping up with hobbies, without the proper care and attention, complex, painful, and upsetting oral health problems can develop. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that dental decay is the most common chronic disease for children and teenagers up to the age of 17. The key to maintaining a healthy and attractive smile is to prevent problems rather than try to sort them out afterwards. Here are six dental care tips for teenagers, which can help to prevent dental complications later. 

1. Brush and floss every day

This is a process that every child and teenager should be doing routinely, but it is worth beginning with the need to brush the teeth morning and night, floss at night, and possibly use mouthwash. This will clean the teeth of food residue and bacteria, which can lead to bad breath, disease, or tooth loss. 

2. Protect teeth when playing sport

Playing sport and being active is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but some activities can cause injuries. Whether it is a contact sport with limbs flailing all over the place or an activity that involves balls or sticks being flung through the air, it is always best to wear a mouthguard. They can be bought from a store or custom-designed by a dentist, and they should be cleaned regularly and stored in a container that is well ventilated. Compare mouthguards here.

3. Do not get oral piercings

Pierced tongues and other mouth piercings might look cool for a little while, but they bring a lot of potential health issues with them. Having metal in your mouth as you speak, eat, and sleep can easily lead to a chipped tooth, which will require expensive dental treatment to correct. In some cases, piercings can become infected, which is painful and can lead to breathing difficulties and other serious illnesses. 

4. Make healthy food and drinks choices

Teenagers are notorious for eating convenience foods, sugary snacks, and drinking soda, especially if they are busy with school, part-time employment, social events, etc. These are not particularly nutritious or good for oral health. Ideally, they should be drinking water or low-sugar drinks, as well as eating fruit and vegetables and keeping coffee, tea, and soda to a minimum. If they can keep a travel toothbrush or mouthwash with them when they are out, this is even better. 

5. Consider cosmetic treatments

If you have uneven, chipped, missing, or discolored teeth, you may feel self-conscious about smiling and/or you might experience some difficulties with speaking and eating. To correct these issues and start regaining confidence when smile, consider undergoing cosmetic dental work treatments, which can address a range of dental problems. 

6. Visit the dentist twice a year

Adults and teenagers should be visiting their dentist at least twice a year, even if they do not believe they are experiencing problems. These appointments will include a cleaning, which will improve the look of the teeth and give the dentist the opportunity to detect small issues before they develop and become expensive emergencies. 

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