TEEN HEALTH Published October2, 2020 By Ernest Hamilton

Simple Ways to Calm Stress and Anxiety

(Photo : Simple ways to calm stress and anxiety)

Mental health, stress and anxiety are common experiences for 70 % of the people in the world. There are many ways to deal with it. We chose simple ways to try to calm those problems.

Breathing techniques : the first thing to take down stress

The first thing we can talk about is breathing, because it is the starting point of your stress and your anxiety. Mental stress activates the nervous system and say to your body : there is something wrong. That is why, when you are on crisis, sometimes, you just can't understand why. When your heartbeat get faster, your blood vessels get constricted and you are breathing quick, that is the moment when you have to try breathing techniques for stress.

There are many techniques that can help you with your stress but the most known is probably the deep breathing technique. Briefly, you'll have to focus on your breath to make it slower and deeper. When you are going to reach you deeper point of breathing, your nose and your lungs will be fully expanded and you will feel better.

Exercise : physical stress to reduce mental anxiety

When you are dealing with anxiety, you never think about sports but the experts are certain : creating physical stress reduces your anxiety. To fight anxiety and stress, try to make exercise each day. It is proved that people who exercise regularly experience less stress.

Behind this, there are few reasons to do sports : first of all, your stress depends on your sleep quality and exercise affects it, it then releases endorphins. These are like drugs for the body: they act like painkillers and finally, they help you to feel confident.

Stop taking coffee and smoke cigarettes

Caffeine is one of the most stimulant liquid for you body but it affects your heart rate and increase drastically your anxiety and stress. Same for cigarettes : the experts of anxiety and stress talk about the fact that cigarettes reduce your lungs capacity and increase your heart rate. Both of those things make your body into a state of permanent alert.

Use meditation

Meditation is one of the most amazing things to practice in order to reduce anxiety and stress. For example, when you feel that a situation is going to make you feel anxious, try to use breathing techniques and focus on the present moment.

There are several meditation methods but the one that really helps people suffering for mental illness, depression or anxiety, is the mindfulness.

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