TEEN HEALTH Published November2, 2020 By Ernest Hamilton

Benefits of Taking Pre Workout Before Running

(Photo : Benefits of Taking Pre Workout Before Running )

Humans consider working out vital since it keeps the body fit and enhances productivity. In fact, scientific studies have shown that working out helps to keep muscles intact since cells keep adapting to the strain that emanates from the physical exercises.

Generally, a pre workout is taken about 30 minutes before the real workout. It works to boost energy and performance during the workout. Pre workout supplements often contain caffeine and vitamins that amplify strength and energy.

What are the benefits of a pre workout?

Using a combination of several pre-workout supplements has proven more efficient in providing energy to the body before the real workout. Here are several benefits of a pre work out:

Improve muscle power and endurance

One of the most common additives in pre-workout shakes is caffeine. Ingesting caffeine allows you to work out without feeling weary, which means that you can push yourself even harder. Moreover, caffeine widens blood vessels, thus increasing the supply of blood to body muscles. More specifically, an increase in blood supply means an increase in oxygen concentration in body muscles hence the ability to sustain physical exercises for longer periods.

Prevention of muscle damage and muscle breakdown

With branched-chain amino acids (BCAAS)being the building blocks of muscle tissue, they work to improve muscle rebuilding processes and prevent fatigue. As a result, using them could boost performance during a workout.

Make energy

Body muscles need a reliable supply of energy to perform efficiently for longer. For instance, creatine- a chemical stored in body muscles, is used to make energy during tiresome exercises, such as running.

Repair muscles

A naturally occurring L-Glutamine found in food sources is used to repair new muscles. For example, during a workout, muscles suffer from tears that once repaired make them strong.

Reduces protein breakdown

To maintain muscle tissue, the rate of protein synthesis should be equal to the rate of protein breakdown. This balance works to boost performance during a workout.

Prevent immature fatigue

The levels of energy decrease naturally during a workout. To counter this, athletes use a combination of nutritional supplements that provide the body with the nutrients it needs to achieve optimum performance.

Fat loss

Shakes containing caffeine burn fats at a greater rate during a workout since it is known to be an active ingredient in fat burners. To sum up, caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, which sends impulses to fatty tissues telling them to burn excess fat.

According to Legion Athletics, "if you want to feel focused, tireless, and powerful in your workouts ...and if you want to say goodbye to the pre-workout jitters, upset stomachs, and crashes for good... you want to try Pulse today."

It is important to note, however, that most of the nutrients provided by pre-workout supplements require an average of 30 minutes to take effect in your body. It is advisable, therefore, to consume them approximately 30 minutes before undertaking your daily workout.

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