TEEN HEALTH Published December8, 2020 By Staff Reporter

A Simple and Effective Guide on Opening a Fitness Business

(Photo : pexel)

If you are the kind of person that enjoys a regular (and intense) exercising routine, it might have crossed your mind to turn it into a profitable career. 

Doing something that you like and earning an income in the process sounds like a truly good deal.

Before you make a final decision and turn your idea into reality, here are some guidelines that could help you along the way.

Make a plan

There are some things you need to consider at the very beginning:

- goals

- funding options

- convenient locations

- initial capacity (is it a one-person job or are you hiring employees right away)

- schedule 

- pricing.

Being a business owner comes with a lot of advantages, but it also means that you are the one who does all the work. Creating an initial plan will make everything run smoother.


Additional note: Fitness-related businesses are constantly evolving.

So it is crucial to always stay on top of things and to be familiar with all the new workout trends, improved techniques, new advances in technology that could benefit the industry, etc.

Choose a niche

Specialize in a certain type of training that interests you the most and that you see yourself making into a profitable business venture. Narrowing your focus on a specific niche will prevent you from dispersing your business in too many directions. 

Most clients already have a clear idea of what kind of workout they want, and they are searching for an instructor who specializes in that exact niche. 

Keep in mind: It is one thing to enjoy a certain exercising practice yourself, but it is a whole other thing trying to teach it to others.

It does require a higher dose of expertise for starters, but also an ability to transfer your knowledge onto paying customers.

The right time to start

The current situation with the COVID-19 global epidemic makes it that much difficult, if not completely impossible to start a new business.

In case you decide not to wait with your plans completely, there is an alternative option. 

Think about starting small with online training sessions. Even if it just for your friends and acquaintances, you are forming a group of clients that has the potential to grow, while also getting some valuable practice.  

Whether it is yoga, pilates, some sort of fitness exercises, or any other type of training that doesn't require serious equipment or gym-like conditions, it is entirely up to you.

This approach gives you a chance to organize your working hours as well as an opportunity to work from your own home. That way, both you and your clients are able to stay safe.

Another benefit of a small online business is that you will also have a chance to work with every client individually, learning how to customize your service so it would work for a variety of people.

With all the experience (not to mention some additional income) you gathered during this online method of training, you will be ready to make some changes once the situation with COVID-19 stabilizes enough.

Get your business registered

After the initial preparations, it is time to acquire the necessary permits, sort out the insurance, etc. Basically, making everything official.

Registering your company can sound complicated, especially for a first-time business owner. But it doesn't have to be. 

The main thing to know is that a registering process varies from state to state. 

Then, you have to research for example how to start an LLC in MA (if your company is based in Massachusetts). There you will find all the information and required steps.


Earning a certificate isn't always necessary (although sometimes is unavoidable, depending on the chosen niche), but it will definitely provide you with more credibility with your clients. 

The more credentials you have to more professional you seem, making it possible to elevate your business to the next level.

Invest in a marketing strategy

A good marketing strategy can make or break your company.

Think about what would make your business stand out in the competitive market place and create a consistent and well-rounded brand that your target demographic will respond to.

For example, you can offer some additional services such as healthy nutrition advice, supplement suggestions, extra deep stretching methods to relax the body after an intense workout, etc.

Once you form the brand it is time to consider different promotion options. Branching out to different social media platforms is a highly-effective and budget-friendly way to promote your business and stay connected to your clients.

Attracting new clientele will, of course, give you an opportunity to further expand and grow your business.

Final thoughts

These certainly are risky times for most new business ventures. However, not all is lost.

You can choose to see this as a chance to make some serious and thorough preparations for your initial business plan. That way you will have everything (well, almost everything) ready to go once a more favorable opportunity presents itself.

It is a matter of adjusting and adapting to the current situation.

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