LIVING HEALTHY Published December15, 2020 By Staff Reporter

Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

(Photo : Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds)

You may only really think about pumpkin seeds once a year at the end of October, but in reality, these little seeds pack a wallop of a nutritional punch. Pumpkin seeds are some of the world's healthiest foods. But we're not necessarily talking about the roasted and salted seeds you can find on many grocery store aisles. The healthiest version of pumpkin seeds are in their raw form, and you can now find them without the shell, called "pepitas." These differ in look from the hard white seeds you'll find from carving a pumpkin, as they are green, flat, and oval.

The history of pumpkin seeds is quite interesting, as they were apparently popular all over the world, from ancient Greece to Native American tribes (used for dietary and medicinal purposes) some 7,000 years ago in a cave in Mexico

In this article, we'll go through many of the scientifically-supported benefits of these pumpkin seeds, which After reading this article you may want to rush to pick up some of these incredibly tasty, nutritionally-dense, and health-promoting seeds for yourself (don't worry, we've got you covered). 

Pumpkin Seeds Are Loaded With Nutrients

In addition to being one of the only seeds that are alkaline-forming (which helps to combat our overly acidic diet), just one look at a green pepita and you'll know it's an absolute nutritional powerhouse. Loaded with protein (100g of pumpkin seeds provides about 25g of protein), fiber, iron, and other important trace minerals, simply adding pumpkin seeds to your diet can significantly boost the nutrient density of your day. In fact, 100g of peanuts contain 24.4g of proteins, which is almost the same amount as in pumpkin seeds. So consider mixing these two in your daily snack

Here's a more complete breakdown of some of the important nutrients in pumpkin seeds:

28 grams of pumpkin seeds (1 serving) contains:

  • 1.7 grams of Fiber

  • 5 grams of Carbohydrates

  • 7 grams of protein

  • 13 grams of healthy fats

  • 18% of the RDI of Vitamin K

  • 33% of the RDI of Phosphorus

  • 37% of the RDI of Magnesium

  • 42% of the RDI of Manganese

  • 23% of the RDI of Iron

  • 14% of the RDI of Zinc

  • 19% of the RDI of Copper

Needless to say, consuming pumpkin seeds is almost like eating a natural multi-vitamin.

Pumpkin Seeds Are High in Antioxidants

Consuming antioxidants in their natural, whole-food state, is an absolutely integral component of reducing inflammation and protecting your cells from free radical damage, and pumpkin seeds pack quite the antioxidant punch. In fact, pumpkins are rich in various carotenoids and vitamin E, just like almonds and pistachios. This may explain why studies have shown that pumpkin seeds may have profoundly positive effects on health.

Pumpkin Seeds Are Linked With a Reduced Risk of Certain Cancers

In particular, some studies have suggested that a diet rich in pumpkin seeds may help combat cancers such as stomach, colon, breast, prostate, and lung cancer. Another study done on post-menopausal women suggested eating pumpkin seeds may be associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer as well. Considering the nutritional content of these amazing seeds, it's not a shock.

Pumpkin Seeds May Be Good For Heart Health

The high levels of antioxidants, magnesium, zinc, and fatty acids in pumpkin seeds have all been linked with improved heart health. In addition, scientists believe that pumpkin seeds' ability to increase nitric oxide levels in the body may also significantly improve heart health. Nitric oxide is a gas that helps to relax and expand blood vessels, leading to increased blood flow.

PubMed studies show that walnuts can also be beneficial for you when it comes to heart health. They reduce the amount of cholesterol and can lower blood pressure levels.

Pumpkin Seeds May Improve Sperm Quality

This one's for you, gentlemen. Low zinc levels in the diet are linked to poor sperm quality and infertility issues, and since pumpkin seeds are extraordinarily rich in zinc, they may help improve sperm quality. On top of that, the high levels of antioxidants present in pumpkin seeds improve overall health and may help increase testosterone levels, two critical factors in male fertility. So chow down on some pumpkin seeds and make some babies!

Pumpkin Seeds May Help Improve Sleep

Having issues getting to sleep? Pumpkin seeds may be able to help, as they are a natural source of tryptophan, an amino acid associated with better sleep (hello turkey dinners). On top of that, the zinc in pumpkin seeds can help convert tryptophan into serotonin, which then more easily converts to melatonin, which is the primary sleep cycle hormone. What's more, high levels of magnesium are found in pumpkin seeds, another mineral associated with improved sleep quality.

If you're looking for every possibility to improve your sleeping pattern, then you should also try chia seeds as they are rich in amino acids, which helps you to produce melatonin (hormone that makes you sleepy).


So we've established that pumpkin seeds pack a powerful punch of antioxidants, protein, fiber, and other important nutrients. To make things better, they're super easy to integrate into your diet. They can be easily added to smoothies, cereals, oatmeal, salads, or even homemade granola bars and muffins. Or, if you're not the cooking type, they're a great snack on their own or within a trail mix. At this point, there should be absolutely nothing stopping you from picking up a bag of these amazing seeds. And you're in luck, because at NutStop, we have the highest quality raw pumpkin seeds you can buy, for amazing prices. If they're not already, pumpkin seeds will soon become a staple in your daily healthy diet.

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