LIVING HEALTHY Published December30, 2020 By Ernest Hamilton

Are Your Finances Putting Your Oral Health at Risk?

(Photo : Are Your Finances Putting Your Oral Health at Risk? )

What's keeping you out of the dentist's chair? If you're like most people, it's not fear of a dental drill, but the unaffordable price tag of your visit. 

That's according to the American Dental Association's report Oral Health and Well-Being in the United States. It found 59 percent of people cited cost as the reason why they haven't visited the dentist in the past 12 months, beating out anxiety, inconvenience, and trouble finding a dentist for the top spot. 

Without insurance, a trip to the dentist is simply too expensive for some people. It may be too much to handle even if you are insured, as your policy may have you paying the whole bill upfront or covering enormous deductibles. 

Either way, your oral health may be on the backburner when money's tight, but skipping your regular checkup can put your overall well-being at risk. Data shows gum diseases may lead to diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and other serious illnesses. 

Taking good care of your teeth is just one way to keep on top of your health. But how can you juggle your oral health and budget? 

Only Use Credit in a Dental Emergency

When you can't afford an essential expense on your own, there are financial products available to help. Cash advances, installment loans, and line of credit loans are quick and convenient stopgaps for savings. 

However, as online direct lenders like MoneyKey note, these financial products are best used as safety nets when unexpected expenses come your way. Their ideal for when you trip and chip a tooth at a time when savings are low. If approved, they let you treat tooth fractures and other unexpected issues that could lead to serious problems down the line. 

As for regular checkups, it's better if you use your own cash for these appointments. Dentists recommend you schedule a cleaning at least once a year. As a recurring or expected expense, your checkup doesn't fit the rules of online direct lenders. Instead, you should budget for these appointments just like other annual bills like the winter holidays or income tax. 

Try Finding Low-Cost Dental Care Alternatives

If your local dentist charges an arm and a leg for basic treatment, cast your net a little wider. There are resources for affordable dental care, including federally funded programs, dental schools, and clinical trials. 

  • Clinical Trials: If you or your family have pre-existing oral issues, you may qualify as a volunteer for the National Institutes of Dental and Craniofacial Research. They may provide you with low-cost or free treatments provided they can use you as part of their research.

  • Community Health Centers: The Health Resources & Services Administration's Health Care Program funds community clinics offering low-cost health and dental care on a sliding fee. Click here to find your local center.

  • Dental Schools: Dental and dental hygiene schools may offer low-cost care so that their students gain hands-on experience treating patients. Experienced dentists supervise your appointment to ensure you still get the same quality of care as if you went to an established practice.  

  • Medicaid: Medicaid may cover dental care depending on your state. As the country's public insurance program, it doesn't come with a monthly premium as long as you're a low-income individual who qualifies. 

Bottom Line

If you're waiting to book an appointment when you have the cash or your dentist lowers their price, you could be waiting a while. But wait long enough, and you could put your oral health and overall well-being in jeopardy. Luckily, you don't have to skip your next checkup as long as you know where to look for alternative care.

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