TEEN HEALTH Published March2, 2021 By Alex Hamilton

Christopher Lee, Buffalo, NY PT, Shows How to Run Like an Athlete with Proper Form and Technique

(Photo : depositphotos)

Is there really anything more to running than putting one foot in front of the other? Yes. Running with proper technique can help you get the most out of your runs. From breathing to posture, reevaluating how you run can help improve your speed, endurance and help prevent injuries. Christopher Lee is a Personal Trainer (PT) in Buffalo, NY, specializing in athletic workout regimes to maximize efficiency and reduce injury. Whether a beginner or someone who has been running for a while but is hoping to improve their technique, Mr. Lee is confident that the tips below will revitalize your runs and boost your overall fitness.

It can be tempting to look down at your feet when you are running; however, running like this can put unnecessary stress and tension on your neck and shoulders. When you're running, think about keeping your ears and shoulders in alignment. Running with your hands up closer to your chest can also cause extra strain to these muscles. Try to keep your arms at a 90-degree angle and your back and neck straight.

As you're running, try to make sure that your shoulders are squared, facing forward, and are relaxed. If your shoulders begin to round forward, it can restrict your breathing by tightening the chest. At the same time, check-in with how your arms are moving. If they are moving at the elbows and not the shoulders, shift so that your arm moves at the shoulder instead.

Another important factor to consider when running is how high you're bouncing up and down. When your head and body move too far up and down while you're running, you're not only wasting precious energy; you're also putting greater shock on your legs and feet when you come down. This will quicken your legs' fatigue, making it harder to go longer.

Consider Your Z Angle

Capture a photo of yourself running. It may be easier to take a video and then pause it when you're visible on the screen. From there, perform these three steps to get a literal image of your Z angle.

1. Draw a straight line from the top of your pelvis to your hip joint.

2. Draw another line from your ankle joint to the top of your toes.

3. Draw the third line down your stance leg connecting the hip to the ankle.

If you're running in proper form, it should make a Z shape.

Proper Breathing Techniques

Breathing while running is challenging! You are performing a strenuous exercise that is demanding on your body and your lungs. To properly fuel your muscles to keep propelling you forward, they require more oxygen than they normally do. This perfect storm makes it harder to breathe.

When you are casually running, you can use nasal breathing in which you inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. If this is difficult or if you're performing more strenuous sprints or high-intensity interval training type exercises, you may need to breathe solely through your mouth. Breathing through your mouth can also help release tension in your jaw, allowing you to relax a little more.

These easy tips can help you improve your running posture and technique so you can keep getting out there and doing what you enjoy.

About Christopher Lee

Christopher Lee is a certified fitness trainer from Buffalo, New York. Christopher specializes in designing workout plans for clients that make them look and feel more athletic, helping them avoid injury. Mr. Lee emphasizes a healthy diet and lifestyle so clients can fuel properly to get the most out of their workouts and reach their fitness goals. When he is not working with his clients, Christopher Lee can be found at a hot yoga class, practicing martial arts, or spending time with his friends and family in Buffalo.

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