LIVING HEALTHY Published March9, 2021 By Ernest Hamilton

How to Help Your Kids Take Better Care of Their Teeth

(Photo : How to Help Your Kids Take Better Care of Their Teeth)

Your kids don't want to go to the dentist. They don't like brushing their teeth. And they would be devastated if they had to quit eating sugar for the sake of their oral health. 

If you're having a hard time getting your kids to take better care of their teeth, you should read these simple tips: 

What If They're Scared of the Dentist?

Your kids are terrified of the dentist. Don't worry - they're not the only ones. Lots of adults have dental anxiety and avoid going for their annual check-ups and cleanings because of it. As a parent, you can take action now to make sure that they aren't so scared of the dentist when they're older.

So, what can you do? The first thing that you should do is find a family-friendly clinic. The right children's dentist will be prepared to calm any anxieties and tantrums that your kids might have during their appointments. They'll have everything from televisions on the ceiling to keep them distracted to laughing gas/sedation for any procedures that might be too painful for them. Essentially, you need to find a dentist that's kind, compassionate and prepared for anything.

What are some more tips that will make the trip to the dentist a little easier?

  • Don't blindside them with an appointment. Let them know ahead of time.

  • Don't tell them the appointment will be painful or uncomfortable.

  • Get books about going to the dentist and read them before bed. Getting a positive look at the experience will make it seem less scary. 

What If They Hate Brushing Their Teeth?

Kids usually hate brushing their teeth because it feels like a chore. They'd rather be doing something else. If you want them to pick up their toothbrush and clean those pearly whites, make the experience more enjoyable for them:

  • Get them a special toothbrush that they love. It could be their favourite colour or the shape of their favourite cartoon character/superhero.

  • Let them pick out their toothpaste too. It can be a funky colour or flavour.

  • Play a song to brush along to. This will also keep them from rushing through the process.

What If They're Obsessed with Sweets?

If your kids eat too much sugar, they can fall victim to tooth decay and get a mouth full of cavities. You don't want that to happen. So, what can you do? You know that they'll be devastated if they can't have sweets ever again.  

You don't have to forbid sweets completely. You just don't want them to be a constant presence in your kids' diet. Think of all of the sugary things they could be eating over the course of a day, like frosted cereal, fruit juice, chocolate snacks and pop. The best way to limit this overindulgence is to keep it out of the house. Don't add all of these sweets to your fridge and your kitchen cupboards.

You can also try to present some healthier alternatives for snacks and treats:

  • Full-fat yogurt

  • Homemade trail mix

  • Fruit smoothies

  • Popcorn

  • Dried fruit

  • Cheese and crackers

Don't accept defeat. You can get your kids to take better care of their teeth. Try these solutions and see what a difference they make!

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