LIVING HEALTHY Published June9, 2021 By Ernest Hamilton

9 Ways Outpatient Therapy Helps You Manage Your Mental Health

(Photo : 9 Ways Outpatient Therapy Helps You Manage Your Mental Health)

Let's face it, mental health issues are real, and they affect everyday people. It's hard to talk about them because there is a misconception that people who struggle in these ways should just figure it out on their own. Yet, when someone has a sore throat or pain in their back, we don't tell them to figure it out. They go to a trained doctor or medical professional and they get the help they need.

Whether you struggle with anxiety, depression, or PTSD or other mental health challenges, outpatient therapy can be a powerful tool. Trained providers at places like Mission Harbor or Northeast Community Center for Behavioral Health work to create individualized plans that give patients the flexibility to work and do life while still getting the treatment they need.

Outpatient therapy is a powerful tool for people struggling with addiction, behavioral disorders, and more. Here are 9 of the ways it helps individuals care for their mental health needs.

Gives Patients a Strong Connection to Their Support Network       

One of the important keys to helping people who struggle with mental health challenges is to give them a support system. By providing outpatient options, people still get to connect with their friends and family who are there to help them through what they are coping with. They get to have the people they love around them which helps with recovery from addiction, overcoming depression, and more.

Patients Experience Real Life

Outpatient therapy allows real-life situations to come up that therapists and mental health care workers can help them cope with. By being in their everyday life, patients learn how to overcome their mental health challenges in situations that they actually face in the real world.

It Incorporates More Than One Type of Therapy

Depending on the case, a patient may need 1:1 therapy and group therapy. Outpatient therapy allows patients to attend both on a schedule that works for them.

You Can Still Work

One of the reasons many people choose not to get therapy is because they think they will need to be institutionalized. While this may be the best treatment option for some, most people can benefit from outpatient therapy and still hold a job. This means that bills can still be paid.

Many Insurance Companies Cover It

Getting therapy can be very expensive, but a lot of the time insurance companies offer coverage for some outpatient options. Even Medicare provides coverage for outpatient mental health care in some of their policies. Contact your insurance company to see what they will pay for when it comes to mental health.

Offers Valuable Options for Teens

Outpatient therapy is perfect for teenagers. They still get to go to school and live their normal lives, but can receive treatment for anxiety, depression, and more. It's vital because it still allows them to focus on their mental health and receive the treatments they need.

The Whole Family Can Get Therapy

Depending on the mental health issue and the severity of it, mental health providers may recommend family therapy in addition to other treatment options. Outpatient therapy allows for the whole family to work through issues together and related to the person who is experiencing the mental health crisis.

Helps Patients Transition Into the Real World

When patients go through in-patient care, it can be a struggle to figure out how to live real life. Outpatient therapy allows patients to easily transition their care into their normal life. They experience their same challenges, stressors, highs and lows. They basically get hands-on experience in how to cope with these things in a way that doesn't make their mental health worse.

It Offers Flexible Options

For patients who need to focus on specific aspects of their mental health, outpatient therapy gives them all the choices they need. There is no one-size-fits all program for mental health. The flexibility that outpatient treatment provides helps patients not only prioritize treatment, but to afford it as well.

Mental health issues are very important to address. There has been a concerted effort in recent years to shed light on the challenges that people with mental health needs face. Outpatient therapy is one of the best ways to address personal mental health challenges and still move ahead with daily life. 

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